The Bat in my Hat

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Inside my gorgeous large green hat

Resides Barack

My favourite Bat

He makes a mess

But I don't care

His droppings might revive my hair!!

He lived with a good friend

Of mine

But all she did

Was moan and whine.

"Oh God, Oh God"

"A bloody Bat!"

"Calm down" I said

"What's wrong with that?"

"They've got lice, and fleas, and things!"

"Pointy ears and flappy wings!"

"I'll catch him, just you wait and see"

"Hand that pinkish towel to me"

And now he's feeling quite at home

More than that freakish evil Gnome.

He's quite happy and content

He feels he's quite the President!

                                                _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Owain Glyn

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