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  I was walking down the hallway on my second week of 10th grade, when I crashed into someone. "Watch it." The boy growls, not even bothering to glance at me. He seemed much too distracted, searching around, clearly trying to find someone.

  "Shove off." I rolled your eyes and pushed past him.

  I was at the end of the hall when he called after me, "Hold up!"

  I turned around to face him, watching him as he runs down the hall after me.

  "You're Kevin, yes?" He asks, once he'd caught up to me. How could he forget me!?  Seriously! We live in the same house for crying out loud!

  "Kellin," I corrected, blushing slightly for no reason..

  "Right.." he nods. "Same difference."

  I stormed down the hallway, absolutely fuming. Who did he think he was? Confiding me when I was alone, then poking fun of me when his friends were around like he always does; I was sick of it. Sick of his friends, and sick of him.

  "Kellin." I hear him calling after me, but the fact that he had the audacity to come after me now, after what he just did, only made me angrier. I kept walking, determined to ignore him all the way to class if that's what it came to. "Kellin, come on. I'm sorry. Just... You have to let me explain."

  I whirl around facing him with such fury I swear I saw him flinch. "How dare you try to explain yourself to me when you just made a joke of me like you always do! You've done this ever since I came out! You really are rotten! You push me around even at home" I don't even consider that place home..our parents don't care for me much. It's my mothers fault.

  I try to turn around again, to make my way to first class, but his hand shot out and grabbed my arm. "Kellin, trust me I know. Just hear me out, okay? That's all I ask."

  I narrow my eyes, eyeing his hand on my arm, but don't try to move it. I give him a stiff nod.

  He bites his lip. "Look I know I don't have the best reputation with you or your friends but-t it's hard for me affection.." I huffed, interrupting him, "You've never had trouble before.." I stated rolling my eyes. "..I know, and I'm sorry..I'm not usually one to open myself up to vulnerability, but God Kellin, I can tell you everything without even meaning to.." Obviously.. "..You're easy to talk to. But, as it seems, whenever I find something I care about, I find a way to push it away. It's no excuse, I know, but I can't seem to-"

  I smiled at his adorableness, daring to close the space between us as he rambles on, and pressed my lips to his. The kiss is sweet and passionate, not nearly as rough as I'd imagined it would be. His fingers brush through my hair, and he pressed me lightly into the wall. "I'm yours." He whispers between kisses, sending shivers through my spine. "You know, my friends and our parents are going to kill me.." I mumbled into the kiss. They're mostly going to kill me..

  There's the start of my story! I hope you guys liked it! :) It's not the best..but I'm not the best at writing..heh..I'll try to update my story soon..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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