Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ice Samonthe POV

Hi! My name is Ice Samonthe or known also as Ice S. Alcantara.

You read it right, I'm an Alcantara but also a Samonthe. Why? This is just a secret but I have already a husband that's why I'm also an Alcantara because my husband name is Ace Alcantara.

We have a different gang but we both only know that but don't know which gang or what name or role we each other have.

But for you I can say that I'm a gangster queen.

Sometimes he thinks I'm weak always saying I should be the like of an Empress, a strong one. We are a cold one, we are married but I'm staying in my condo while him? In OUR house but I'm look like a stranger going inside our house because I need to hide when going there, no one should know I go there. I really hate hiding just to get inside to our own house, it's a bothersome to me but my husband order me to.

He really think I'm just a weak ass gangster because he don't hide his identity not like me, I need a peaceful life, I know being a gangster is not peace but I still want some time of peace that's why I just hide my identity to have a few peace not always stress.

Here I am today, trying to get off on my bed and I'm currently here in my condo because my dear husband told me not to go home because his friend slash gang mate will be there in our house. Great right? The owner also of the house can't go as she please but I don't mind, I don't really care about him as if.... We are just married by paper that's all.

I just shock my head off and do my morning ritual than thinking my ow so called husband note the sacrum. I got my eyeglass after preparing than putting lens, I can control my anger anyway and for those who don't know what I'm talking about, I have an unusual eye color. In gangster world they know my eyes as bloody eye that's the reason we are a perfect match to the gangster king because of his royal eyes, that's what they said.

I look at the mirror.... Tsk!

I got angry just thinking about him again, instead of proceeding with the eye glass. I choose to wear contact lenses because of the sudden color change of my eyes. I'm really irritated right now so I might not able to control today, so to be safe I choose lens first.


I calmed myself first then look again my reflection, my eyes turn back to normal and a hint to you guys. My husband doesn't even know about me especially about me being the queen.

No need for him to know anyway.

Also, my family don't even know this, only my gang mates. Everyone think our gang is a weak one, that's the reason the kings don't fight us when they know our weak gang name.

I just road a cab to go to school since they don't even know I know how to drive. My cars are in our hide out.

After a few moments I got to our school already and when I set food outside the cab after paying, a very loud voice disturbs me.

"Kyaaaahhhhh! Ice! Ice" -Kayse shouting my name countless of times and it made me a little irritated because of how very loud his voice than a normal person.

Oh, before that, she is Kayse Sandoval. Same age as me, 18 years old.

I just snob her calling me nonstop again then walk not minding her since I'm a cold nerd here anyway. Also, even I'm a nerd no one try to bully me since they all know I'm a friend of Ace that's why no one bother and no once care to me.

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