that night

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Delia's p.o.v
I followed my classes that night without thinking about draco wich i now knew was his name.
I went back to the commen room and went strait to bed.
I was exausted and nearly just gave up on my legs.
"Good night"
I looked up from my bed i jumped a little from the sudden voice.
it was a smooth voice but it had some kind untrustabul sound to it
I sat up strait and saw two rather fat guys with muffins in their pocket.
I recognaised them emidiatly it were the two guys who sat next to malfoy (i dreamed away about him for a moment).
"Get out you two!!!"i screamed.
I saw they were holding two crates
And i heard animals scratching against the sides.
I saw draco walk up the stairs to the girl bedroom.
i was confused was he involved in this.
"Guys quit it we dont have time for the bagers"he said
"The badgers??"i thougt.
"WHAT IS ALL OF THIS"i screamed.
"But we where just about to--"
"No buts we leave NOW"malfoy cut the left boy of and went.
So he was involved in this.
The two boys with the crates and muffin pockets left.
And draco went after.

Draco's p.o.v
I herd someone scream from upstairs. I walked up the stairs and found ...her.
The girl I staired at during lunch.
I saw crabbe and goyl with the badger crates.
"Guys quit it we don't have time for the badgers"I said calmly but I could feel my cheeks starting to turn red
"WHAT IS ALL OF THIS"she screamed.
"But we where just about to--"
"No buts we leave NOW"i comanded them.
"YOU HEARD HIM. LEAVE!!"she screamed.
Crabbe and goyle left on ahead with the crates.
I could hear the badgers scratching against the wood of the crates.
I followed after them so they wouldn't turn around.

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