Chapter One

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We were all back at the house I had remembered all too well. Everything was the same as it was when I was last there as if nothing had aged. The furniture was still in the same position and the walls were covered in the familiar portraits.

I tightly squeezed Elise's hand as we followed Alejandro into the living room, where there was two other guys casually sitting on the couches.

"Welcome home," Alejandro smiled, as he took a seat by the two men whom I had never seen before.

"This is Adrian," he said, patting the man to his right. He had shiny black hair that had a few waves in it. His light brown eyes were staring intensively at Elise who wanted more than anything to get out of his eyesight.

"And this is Antonio." He gestured to the man on his left. His dark brown eyes that were nearly black was filled with boredom as he run his fingers through his curly, dirty blonde hair.

Elise and I nodded our heads as we tried to slowly back away without our actions being seen by the men. We both wanted to just find our sister and then disappear from their lives.

"Come sit here Nyx," Alejandro said as he patted his lap. I wanted nothing to do with him, but I surely didn't want to anger him on my first day here, but I definitely would after today.

Letting go of Elise's hand, I steadily made my way towards him before sitting on his lap. His hands hands instantly wrapping around my waist as he pulled me even closer into him.

Adrian got off the couch and made his way to Elise before taking her hands in his.

"It is so nice to finally meet you in person, but we have much to talk about," he said, dragging her away from me.

I was about to go after them when Alejandro stopped me. "Not so fast my dear. We also have things to discuss," he said, while looking at Antonio who took that as his cue to leave.

When Antonio was no longer in the room, I got off of his lap and onto the couch as I waited to hear what was so important from him.

"If I remember our little deal correctly," he began, a dark and mischievous smirk slid onto his face. "You said you was willing to do whatever it takes to keep your family safe."

I nodded my head not knowing what it was that he wanted from me. I was just a simple girl who was recently taken away from everything that had finally began going right for her.

"Well you are going to remain mine for all eternity and do whatever that is asked of you." His silver eyes glancing over my body as they darkened.

This made something in me snap. He had taken me away from my one true mate just so that I could be with him instead, but then again, I was the one who made the deal.

"Alright then. A deal is a deal," I said which surprised him a bit before he stuck out his hand. Taking a deep breath, I shook his hand accepting the deal.

What have I just thrown myself into?

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