Chapter 7

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They appeared in a ward at St. Mungos, the crack drawing the gaze of those around them.

"Thank you, Kreacher." She said quickly.

"Helena!" Ginny rushed to her and took her in a hug.

"Hey Gin, long time no see." She greeted.

"That's your own fault. You were supposed to visit this summer!" Helena had to resist placing a hand on her stomach.

"What in the name of Merlin happened, Ginny?" Helena asked, changing the subject.

"Andy took Teddy out for the day to Diagon Alley and there was a small attack. Teddy was fine, and we caught almost everyone involved, but Andy was injured. She has to stay here for at least a month."

"Auntie Helena!" A voice distracted Helena.

"Teddy!" Helena bent down to envelop her godson in a hug, Luna following quickly behind. "Are you alright, my little wolf?"

Teddy sniffed, and held on tighter. "Yeah, will grammy be airtight?" He asked.

"Of course, she will be!" Helena reassured, hoping she wasn't wrong.

"The doctor said we could visit her." Luna informed dreamily.

"Well, let's!" Helena encouraged, allowing Luna to show the way.

After they spoke for awhile, Teddy fell asleep next to Andromeda in bed. Taking the opportunity, Helena began to brooch the subject with Ginny, Luna, and Andy.

"I would be happy to take Teddy while you recover, but there is something I have to tell you." Helena caught the interest of all three women. "I didn't visit this summer because I found out I was pregnant." She said quietly.

"Oh, Helena!" Ginny gushed.

Helena eyed Andromeda quickly, hoping she wouldn't disapprove too heartily. "That's wonderful,dear." Andy smiled, causing relief to flood through Helena. "How far along are you?"

"Twenty weeks." Helena smiled, placing a hand on her stomach.

Ginny and Luna insisted on feeling the bump and they quietly giggled.

"The father, however, doesn't know about me. Us." She amended. "So if Teddy came with me, we'd need to put a stasis on his abilities. I wouldn't want to shock Klaus with his nose turning to that of a pig's quickly."

The girls laughed, remembering Tonks doing the same. Andromeda sighed. "I think that's best. Until I can protect Teddy, I'd like him away from any danger."

And Helena felt slightly guilty for not telling them the full story, but Teddy would be safe with her, even if she had to leave the plantation. "I'll let Kreacher know to gather some of Teddy's things. Anytime you need him, call Kreacher, he can find me." She informed.

"Thank you, dear. It's not the best time for you, but-"

"Don't say another word. I love Ted, and it's the least I could do for Remus and Tonks." Helena smiled softly at Andy. "I do want to wait a little longer to tell him about the baby, though. Just in case something happens." She said softly looking at the boy in Andromeda's arms.

"The baby will be fine." Ginny said, knowing her friend's worries.

"If Ron was here, he'd say something horribly uncomforting and then Hermione would smack him." Helena said with a sad smile.

"They always had nargles swarming their ears." Luna said, attempting to comfort Helena.

"They'd be proud, dear." Andromeda said.

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