His Butler, Unlucky

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Sebastian laid on the stiff bed in his humble apartment. That night, it was even colder than usual. The tip of his nose and his fingers were slowly turning blue, and it had been long since he had last felt them; winter was coming, and cold seeped in through every crack and gap it could find.
Somehow though, Sebastian couldn't bring himself to care all that much. Someway, he knew that it wouldn't matter anyway. He felt as if the cold would never be able to really damage any part of his body, nor anything else for that matter really. Was it because he had finally talked to Patient 188 that he felt this different, invincible almost? The restless feeling that had plagued him past weeks had disappeared, and he felt weirdly free. Needless to say, it was quite the experience, feeling the way he did. It was because of what Patient 188, no Ciel, had told him. He was further now than he'd ever dreamed of being. The events of the past two, three hours were playing on a loop in Sebastian's head.

First, he had told the boy what he knew. He told him about his suspicion towards Wright, the change of staff that happened eleven months ago, the weird atmosphere around the other doctors, and even about Grell and his list - which Ciel thought was least interesting.

"I already know who has fallen victim, I kept a list myself, or up until some time ago, anyway. I know enough to conclude that there is no thing they have in common that got them abducted, apart from that most of them had little to no family, but that isn't very uncommon here", he had said, refusing to look at Grell's file, spitting all the words out at once. It made Sebastian suspect that Ciel had been thinking about this quite a lot. Wondering and debating all by himself, hoping to find anything at all. Somehow, Sebastian saw himself in that. Eager and determined, fueled by a strong sense of justice. The boy mirrored him almost perfectly, and it was a shocking discovery to say the least.

Patient 188 had a cunning and smart mind, one that in all honesty did not really belong here. But, knowing this, knowing fully well of this boy's skill of tactically analyzing and understanding situations, added a whole new dimension to Wright's warnings. Had Wright's warnings been sincere after all? And if so, how did Wright know Patient 188 possessed such skills if he refused to speak to anyone?

Without realizing the boy in front of him was waiting for a response, Sebastian took out his black notebook, and wrote something in it for the first time in ages.

Additional things to look into:
1) Patient 188
2) Wright's obsession with Patient 188
3) Doctor Macy

A loud cough interrupted Sebastian's moment of displacement, and his mind returned back into the cell. "Excuse me, child, I just remembered I need to call my mother to-" Before Sebastian could finish his lie, even though he wasn't entirely sure why he felt the urge to lie in the first place, Patient 188 interrupted him again.

"Call me by my name." That sure threw Sebastian off the bat. Just the sheer force he put into those words scared Sebastian. For the first time the boy's big blue eyes truly looked like those of a scared child, alone in the big bad world. It was almost as if the words had made a crack in the porcelain mask on the boy's face, and a piece of him was peeking out. Sebastain's was curious, intrigued, wondering which version of Patient 188 was the real him. It made Sebastian long for more of this.

"May I ask why?"

"Just do it. Please." The boy was quick to react, his determination never once wavering. Even though he quivered where he sat upon the ground (Sebastian couldn't tell whether it was the cold or something else that caused it), it did not shatter the strength of his voice.

"No", said Sebastian. Partly because he wondered how far he could push the boy. Mostly because he hoped he could unlock more of this, whatever it was.

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