More Heart - Continuation of Hearts In Harmony

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Synopsis: The Final Chapter for Hearts In Harmony 

When calamity strikes their love song could become a scary symphony. 

While Pippa Sanders planned a holiday wedding to Clay Mathers, her world turned upside down. A freak fire in the ballroom they'd booked for the ceremony and reception meant they might have to get married at City Hall. Not optimal, but Pippa didn't really care. She and her twins would marry Clay anywhere. Including a barn. Clay had captured all of their hearts and saved their lives while falling in love with Pippa. 

Clay enchanted and delighted Pippa and her kids. A master strategist with a creative side, he'll turn on the magic again to make a memory with them. But even he will have a difficult time defeating Mother Nature.

More Heart - Continuation of Hearts In HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now