Ticci Toby

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The long road home seemed to go on and on. The road continued to stretch in front of the vehicle endlessly. The light that shone through the branches of the tall, green trees danced across the window in random patterns, and every once in and awhile, obnoxiously shining in your eyes.

The surroundings were full of deep green trees forming a forest around the road. The only sound was the sound of the car's engine as it traveled down the path. It was peaceful and left a serene feeling. Although the ride seemed like a nice one, it lacked every form of 'nice' from it's two passengers.

The middle-aged woman behind the steering wheel had neat short brown hair that fit her complexion well. She wore a green V-neck t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Diamond stud earrings decorated each of her ears which partially showed from behind her hair cut. She had deep green eyes which were brought out buy her shirt, and the lighting seemed to make them more noticeable. There wasn't much significance to her appearance. She just looked like any 'average mother' that you'd see on TV shows and such, but one thing for sure made her differ from those 'average mothers' and that was the dark bags under her eyes. Her facial expression was gloomy and sad, although she genuinely like one who smiled a lot.

She would sniffle every once in a while, and occasionally glance back in the review mirror to look at her son in the back seat, who was hunched over partially, his arms held tight around his chest, and his head pressed against the cold window. The boy lacked any normal appearance, anyone could blandly see that something was wrong with him. his messy brown hair went in every which way, and his pale, almost gray skin was brought out by luminescent lighting. His eyes were dark, unlike his mother's and he wore a white t-shirt and scrub pants that had been provided to him by the hospital. The clothes he wore before were so shredded and blood stained that they weren't 'wearable' anymore.

The right side of his face bared a few cuts along with his split eyebrow. His right arm was bandaged all the way up to his shoulder, which had been when his right side had hit the shattered glass. His injuries appeared to be painful, but he couldn't feel a thing. He never could feel a thing. That was just one of the glories about being him. One of the many challenges he had to face growing up was growing up with a rare disease that caused him to be completely numb with pain. Never before had he felt himself get hurt. He could have lost an arm and felt nothing. That and another major disorder he had faced, was the one that deemed him many insulting nicknames in the short time he attended grade school, before he moved to homeschooling was Tourette Syndrome, which caused him to tic and twitch in ways he couldn't control. He would crack his neck uncontrollably and twitch every once in a while. The kids would tease him and call him Ticci-Toby and mock him with exaggerated twitching and laughing. It got so bad he turned to homeschooling. It was too hard for him to be in a common learning environment with seemingly every kid poking, or more like stabbing fun at him.

Toby stared blankly out the window, his face was empty of any depict-emotion, and every few minutes his shoulder, arm, or foot would twitch. Every bump that the car tires hit made his stomach turn. Toby Rogers was the boy's name. And the last time Toby remembered riding in a car, was when it crashed.

That's all he thought about. Unconsciously replaying everything he had remember before he blacked out, over and over again. Toby had been the lucky one, when his sister hadn't been so lucky. When the thought of his older sister came, he couldn't help but to let his eyes tear up. The horrible memories replayed in his mind. Her screaming that been cut off when the front of the car had been smashed in. It all went blank for a moment before Toby opened his eyes to see his sister's body, her forehead pierced with glass shards, her hips and legs were crushed under the force of the steering wheel, her torso pushed in from the late inflate of the airbag. This was the last thing he seen of his dear older sister.

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