Chapter Two

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Music stared at the Saiyan girl. She tried not to grit her teeth, she didn't like her one bit.

Music was about to say something rude to the girl however,  Raditz gently nudged his daughter in the ribs, smiling as he saw his younger brother.

"Kakarot, it's been too long!"

Goku grinned. "Raditz! It's great to see you! Wow, so you're Music huh? So you actually have a daughter?"

Raditz nodded. "Yes, that's my daughter, Music."

Music sighed. "Hello, Kakarot. Pleasure to meet you."

As Goku and Raditz chatted, Music looked at her cousins. Her tail swished in a rapid manner. Her eyes immediately met Rosamoona's, a Saiyan girl like herself standing a few feet away from her. A smirk grew on the brunette's lips as she examined her, with a forced smile she looked at her.

"What's your name?"

"Rosamoona," she replied, eyeing Music warily. Her own tail swayed behind her. She didn't buy her cousin's fake smile.

“What a unique name,” Music said. This time she wasn’t lying. She couldn’t help but stare at Rosamoona’s clothes. Then, at everyone else’s clothes. She noticed something. “Don’t you wear armor?”

"My father gave it to me," Rosamoona replied, holding her head high. "As for the armor, we only wear it when we need it."

She raised an eyebrow not used to their customs "How odd... "

"What's odd is that you're wearing yours."

Her tail swished furiously. "At least I take pride in my race."

Rosamoona froze. "Excuse me? No pride in my race? Are you freaking kidding me?"

Music's eyes sparked as she saw Rosamoona snap. "What are you going to do about it? Hm?"

"Well, I think the question here is what are you gonna do about it?" Rosamoona smirked, crossing her arms. "If I'm not mistaken, I heard you promise your dad you wouldn't fight."

Music looked back, her father, Kakarot and everyone else were staring. She sighed, defeated.Her tail wrapped around her waist as she looked down and mumbled, "This time, you win."

Rosamoona was slightly surprised, but didn't show it. Instead, she nodded and walked inside, going to her room.

She glared at the people staring at her except her father. Having nothing to do she sat down, looking at a little girl.

Pan looked up at the new girl. "Who're you?" she asked.

Music let out a small smile. "Music. You?"

"I'm Pan!" she said proudly.

Music smiled. “How old are you, Pan?"

“Five!” Pan said.

Music couldn’t help but smile the whole time. “So Pan, do you know how to fight?”

Pan looked around before leaning close and whispering, “Yeah! But don’t tell Grandma, cause she’ll get mad!”

Music giggled. “I promise I won’t tell!”

“Can you fight?” Pan questioned.

She smirked. “Of course I can! I’ve been able to fight since I was your age, Pan!”


Music leans into Pan. “Yes. And my father can turn Super Saiyan!”

Pan grinned. “So can Papa, Grandpa, Aunt Moona and Uncle Goten!”

Music looked at Pan. “They can? Is Rosamoona strong?”

Pan nodded. “Yup!” Then she shrugged. “Yeah, but Papa always says that Grandpa is the strongest, but Grandpa always says we’re the strongest.”

Music tilted her head, a bit confused but nodded. “Oh... I’ve heard about your grandpa. He saved Earth, didn’t he?” Her voice sounded dull at the end. But the little girl didn’t seem to notice.

Pan nodded again. “Yeah! He’s saved it loads of times!”

Music tried not to say anything horrible about her uncle. She swished her tail. Standing up, she asked, “ Hey, Pan! Do you know where Rosamoona is?”

Once more, the little Saiyan nodded. “Yeah! She’s probably in her room!”

Smiling, Music said, “Thanks Pan!” She headed inside, going up to Rosamoona’s room, barging in without knocking.

Rosamoona jumped, dropping the book she had been reading. It landed with a thump on her chest, wrinkling a few of the pages. Music played from a stereo system set up next to her hammock bed. She glared at Music.

“What the hell? Ever heard of knocking?”

Music looked at her cluelessly. “Knocking? Father and I always walk in on each other.” She poked at Rosamoona’s stereo, not really knowing what it was. “What’s this? How can people live in here?”

“Well in this house, we knock,” Rosamoona replied, smacking Music’s hand away from the box. “Don’t touch it. You’ll break it or something.”

Music glared at her cousin as she sat on the floor. “So, Rosamoona...”

Rosamoona glared back as Music sat on her floor, not making a sign of getting up. “What?”

Music shrugged, bored. “Why did we even have this meeting in the first place?”

After a moment, Rosamoona laid back down on her hammock, picking up her book. “I don’t know. Ask your dad.”

She grunted, having a brilliant idea. But before she could act, Music heard a sound from outside and sensed an immense power level.

“What’s going on?” she asked, running from Rosamoona’s room.

Rosamoona jumped up, following Music out of the room, recognizing the power. When they got outside, they saw the Briefs land in a Hover Car. As they climbed out, Rosamoona brushed past Music, going over to Trunks. Vegeta blinked, very surprised to see Raditz.

"So I guess it's true then," he grumbled, crossing his arms. "You are alive."

Raditz glanced at Vegeta, " Vegeta? Is that really you? It's been a long time hasn't it? "

"Yes it's really me you idiot," Vegeta answered, already bored with Raditz. "But yes, I suppose it has been a long time."

While Raditz and Vegeta were conversing, Chi-Chi came over to Rosamoona, Trunks and Music.

“Moona, your father, the other adults and myself are going to go inside. Why don’t you three along with Goten stay out here and get to know each other a little more? Bulma and I will start making supper, so we’ll call you in when it’s done.”

Rosamoona sighed slightly, but agreed. “Alright.”

Chi-Chi smiled, looking at the three in turn before turning and leaving. The adults all migrated inside, leaving the Son children and Trunks outside. Goten walked over and joined the others.

Music observed Trunks. " Who are you?"

Trunks raised an eyebrow and replied, "I'm Trunks. You are...?"

Music studied the hybrid one more time before replying, " Music.... "

Trunks looked at Rosamoona, who in return, nodded, as if replying to an unspoken question. Trunks turned back to Music. "Well, it's nice to meet you... I guess."

Music crossed her arms sighing. "Yeah, I suppose it's 'great' meeting you... Trunks?"

Rosamoona scowled, sitting down on the ground. She knew that her mother wouldn't let them come inside until dinner. She sighed. This was going to be a long reunion...

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