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Knock knock

There was a knock on the door, his hand extended to open it but as he keep moving towards this door his heartbeat accelerated, someone was calling him in sweet melodious voice, his hand rested on the doorknob, taking heavy breath, slowly turning the knob he opened the door, his anticipation raising with time. When he opened the door completely flash of bright light blinded him.....

His eyes adjusted the surrounding when he looked around Sonia was sitting near him, he was in Sonia's apartment back, last night flashed in front of his eyes. She was sitting there in a white pastel colour dress, her hair wet and little drop falling from them, when he looked down on him her hand was on his chest which was waking him from the sweet dream or was she the sweet dream?

"Um....why don't you get freshen up?"

Saying this she ran out of the room, tinge of blush was visible on her face which made a smile appear on his face

When he came out the bathroom he made his way towards kitchen she was singing while cooking, smell of pancakes invaded his nostril and he was always addicted to pancakes. When he entered the kitchen he saw her singing loudly with the music, dancing along on the beat and flipping the pancakes.

When she turned around, she stunned seeing him standing there leaning on the doorframe staring at her.


She showed him the plate, moved towards the table avoiding his gaze, when he grabbed her arm, spinning her around towards him, taking the plate and keeping down on the table, pushing her against the table, her breath quicken from his closeness, he put her hair strands behind her ear which were hiding her face, cupping her face by one hand he made her look at him

"You're avoiding my gaze"

Licking her lips she averted her eyes

"No, I am not"

"then look at me"

When she looked up in his eyes, which were holding so many emotions, he spoke in whisper and sweet voice

"Look, you don't need to avoid me, I like the confident person you are. Yes, I like you but that doesn't mean you can't behave normal around me"

She smiled looking at him

"that's the smile I was waiting for"

They sat down and started their breakfast when Sonia spoke first

"Vicky, you are so nice person I don't know how did you became like this?"

"You wanna know the truth, I'll tell you but you have to tell me one thing?"

"What's that?"

"Do you like me?"

She bit her lip, making it more red, he looked between her eyes and those lips, sucking in breath he was going to say something when she spoke first

"Yes, I do" she kept her eyes focus on his facial expression

He smiled and started his story

"Well, my father was a businessman he had this partner..."

Her hand went under the table hiding from his gaze; she adjusted in her seat and concentrated on his words

"They were having this project which would've made dad's company rich. I was in high school I didn't know anything happening. His partner betrayed him, making him fraudster of the plan by already selling it in market and claiming to be his idea. Dad got arrested for this, from all the humiliation he atlast hung himself"

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