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December 26: 12:35am

"Seven hells," Teddy said with his head thrown back as he marched back and forth across St. Mungos waiting room. "How long does it take to have a bloody baby!" Both he and Scorpius had been here for hours, watching as their family and friends came and went.

"Do you really want to know," Hermione said as she stopped on her way past them, walking to Harry's hospital room while Ron came into the lobby and sat next to Scorpius who had his head in his hands, not looking at anyone. He looked at her as in a silent whine as if she shoukd have known better than to ask.

"'Mione, you should know better than anyone. I mean, why would I ask a question I didn't want an answer to?" Teddy was still pacing, but his eyebrows were furrowed as he waited for an answer. She shot him a look as he walked by and he froze under her focused gaze, but did not back down. She rolled her eyes but motioned for Ron to explain and continued down the hall.

"She left me alone to give Rose and Hu the sex talk too," Ron said slightly annoyed. "They're your kids too, Ronald," he said in a voice that was clearly meant to mimic Hermione. "But you two aren't my kids, are ya? I mean, you're as good as, but you aren't, you're Harry's. So ya know what? I refuse. We aren't having this conversation. You can just wait for her to explain when she gets back." He threw one leg over the other before ruffling Scorpius' hair and grabbing a magazine off of the many tables in the lobby. "I don't even know half the things she want me to say. I don't understand the magic theory of pregnancy. Especially for blokes. I mean where would a baby even-"

"In the case of natural birth the anal cavity becomes the birthing canal," says Scorpius as if he's been waiting for someone to unload all this information onto. Ron peeks nervously over the top of his magazine and Teddy gives up his search for an answer with a huff.


Harry lied on the hospital bed in St. Mungos Witch Delivery ward with his knees spread apart and his legs pulled up almost folding him in half. He almost immediately realized that this is the most vulnerable he had ever felt. Draco was next to him holding his hand while Hermione stood over him with a cool towel, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"So, what did you both decide Mr. & Mr. Potter?" asked Healer Harper. "Will it be a natural birth or a calling?"

"Knowing what the bloody hell a calling is would make the decision loads easier," Harry remarked, uncomfortably bare and open. The healer only nodded before swishing her wand and pulling a pamphlet out of thin air for them to follow along with her explanation.

"A natural birth is what we've covered before, but since you've been magically induced I would recommend a calling. This is like a sort of magic cord. There are two types of calling births. There is encapsulated calling which pulls the child and the womb out as one so that the child can be treated with any premature spells with a protective layer around them. Then there is carried calling, which will tug the child free and the womb will fall out over the next few days. It works mostly like a baby magnet, so to speak." She used her hands a lot as she spoke and they all nodded along. "One healer will work with stretching the birth canal and another will focus on delivery extraction."

Harry looked at Draco for a second then thought about himself before speaking. He didn't want to put anyone through any extra stress and he knew he didn't need it either. Draco staying there watching him be in pain wasn't something he wanted for his husband.

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