"What Guys Look For in Girls"

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This is a (late) response to the video at the side.

[ e d i t ; the video was taken down. so, yeah, it's not there ]

Why is it that men can strip the confidence of women so effectively within mere seconds? Do they know how long it takes to build that kind of self-belief up again? They don't see what's underneath our skin. They see our hair, our face, and our clothes.

Be yourself, they say. Be who you are on the inside, they say. And then they go off and tell us to wear long socks with skirts, shave every hair off of our body, and god forbid if we talk too loud. Are they too blind to see that they're contradicting themselves? Can't they see that we're insecure enough without people constantly pointing out our flaws?

Yes, be yourself, but be soft and quiet at the same time. Yes, be crazy, but don't show us your annoying laugh or that too-loud voice. Yes, be outgoing, but also remind us of everything we're supposed to be responsible for remembering. Oh, and talents. Don't forget those real talents, like being captain of the cheer team. And oh yes, be spontaneous. A walk in the park at four AM? That's not overly obnoxious. No! That's spontaneous!

And what else could they want from us? For us to entertain them. Yes, entertain. Girls are not some kind of toy that you can play with for a week and then toss away. This is not the Elizabethan era; this is the twenty-first century, and you guys need to get your priorities straight.

Brunette singers that are captain of the cheer team, aren't better than you at video games, braid their hair once in a while, and wake you up in the wee hours of the morning for a walk in the park? That's your ideal girl.

You know what? Screw your opinion.

Don't tell us to "be ourselves," and then tear down any shred of self-confidence that we had before hearing your so-called "opinion." You tell us we're beautiful just the way we are, and then point out every single imperfection.

I can't deal with any more douches that talk girls up and knock them down. We aren't Barbie dolls you can dress up and manipulate. We are people, and we have feelings. We shouldn't have to conform to male society's egotistical, arrogant, ignorant whims.

Magazines are flooded with girls that are bred to be the masculine public's idea of perfection. That's who those guys want. They never once mention intelligence or curiosity or creativity. And don't forget, ladies, not being hard to get makes you a whore.

Thank god that dog attacked you.

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