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How would EXO reacting to you skipping meals ?

Situation: Something really bad happened to you and that made you feel sick. That feeling made you skipping meals. You just stay in the bedroom you and (member) share and don't want to come out and when he brings you food you don't want to eat it. That of course makes you feel even worse but you can't stop it. You just don't feel like eating.



"Babe please, you must eat something." Chens sad and desperate voice. He steps in with a bit food on a plate again. Your boyfriend puts it on a chair and sits next to you. As you haven't answered yet he says: "Jagiya, you still haven't told me why you're skipping meals or what the reason is for being so distant currently. (Y/N) whatever it is... I am here to listen and if you want me to say nothing to that it's okay. I just want you to know I am always here."

"Of course I know." The first thing you have said today. A little smile surrounds Chens lips.

"You don't want me to talk about food, right? And you don't want me to talk about the reason of it, right?" He says softly. You nod and he lays next to you. "But aren't you hung-" "Chen, shh"

"Okay." Then he cuddles with you all day until you finally tell him all the reasons.


That little puppy coulnd't do otherwhise but being around you 24/7. He is normally not patient but because of you he waits until he gets answers on his questions. Baek asks why you skip meals and why you aren't hungry. You just tell him some lies to get him quiet but Baek knows you of course. So of course he knows you are just lying. "Jagiya. I know you're lying. Stop that, don't try it again and just tell me everything. Now." You have denied looking into his eyes the whole time but suddenly he sits right next to you on his bed and leans over you. You can't look away now and that's when you start talking about it.


Again Xiumin comes in to bring you food. He sees all the other food he already has brought you but it seems that you haven't eaten anything yet. Xiu sadly sighs and sits next to you. "Jagiya, why don't you eat anything? You need to eat at least a bit."

"I don't want to.", you say and Xiu lays next to you and starts holding you tight. "Tell me whenever you're ready to tell me honestly everything, okay?"

"Mhm." You nod and rest your head on his breast. A soft smile surrounds Xius lips and then he pets your hair which calms you slowly. After a while you start talking and he listens carefully.

~~I hope you liked it!! Please make sure to leave votes & comments! I would appreciate it!♡

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