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The orcs began to chase the dwarves down on the sides of the river, and Legolas and Elvira only had to look at one another before they both sprinted in opposite directions down the river, chasing after the company.

Elvira was almost directly beside the barrels floating in the water. Orcs were shooting arrows from either side and she watched as the shafts stuck in the wood of the barrels. She wished she had her bow with her again, but she managed to forget about it as she saw Legolas on the other side. 

She sprinted and met an orc head on, and with a leap, she jumped upon its shoulders, using her thighs to suffocate the beast as she twisted her knife and came down, thrusting her blade into the top of the orc's head.

She tumbled down with its body, rolling on the ground and slicing another orc through the leg with her blade as she went by. The bank of the river on her side bent inwards into the mountain, practically disappearing. Orcs were invading on the other side of the river, and quickly, Elvira leaped from the bank onto a rock in the middle of the raging river. She saw an orc archer latching onto one of the barrels in the water, and Ori was desperately trying to get it off to the best of his abilities. Quickly, Elvira jumped onto the barrel and before slicing the orc's head down the middle with her sword, she grabbed a hold of its bow and twisted it out of its grip.

Sheathing her sword quickly, she began jumping from one barrel to the next in the water until she landed on top of Bilbo's and was using the orc's bow and arrows to shoot the others.

"Eli," Bilbo's voice shook as he pointed behind her. "Kili!" She turned around swiftly and saw an orc pulling itself onto the barrel carrying Kili. He was trying to fight it off, but without weapons, it was difficult.

She jumped quickly, and after a few grunts and whacks on the top of her boots, she managed to hop from one barrel to the next until she landed gracefully on the sides of Kili's and all at once thrust a black arrow into the orc's skull. She stood up quickly, balancing on one foot on the edge of the wooden barrel as she shot orcs on the bank. She hesitated for only a moment, looking down at Kili to find him already watching her. His eyes seemed glossed over and his face was pale and sweaty, most likely from his wound; the poison was already spreading through his bloodstream.

The momentary weakness, her moment of hesitation gave the orc on the bank enough time to launch himself into the water and grab the blonde haired archer atop the barrel. She put the orc bow out horizontally to attempt to block it off at least a little bit, and she heard a few strained voices shout her name before her body was tossed into the raging river with the orc on top of her.

She never succeeded very well in swimming lessons that her mother and father gave her when she was a young princess in Rivendell, and so being caught underneath roaring waves while simultaneously trying to kill a foul enemy was proving itself a difficult task. She somehow managed to rip the orc's grip off of her, giving her enough time to push herself up to gasp for a breath of air. She heard someone scream her name again, but a tight grip on her ankle dragged her under once more.

She had lost the bow a long time ago. She was momentarily defenseless, which became evident to her when a sharp pain sliced right across her abdomen. She screamed out, swallowing great gulps of water. She dragged both of her legs up into her chest until she found a body and kicked as hard as she could, tossing herself back to the surface. All at once, she dove down again, grabbed a hold of the thrashing body and simultaneously reached down to pull a small dagger out of where it sat on the orc's belt, and when she resurfaced again, the orc's back was now against her front as she held it in a chokehold before quickly dragging the blade of the dagger directly across the creature's neck. Then, she let go of the body and watched it float behind her and dive again beneath the waves.

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