The Fapping Games

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The sun rose over the sleepy town of District Fapteen. Not a sound was to be heard at such an early time. No sound but the gentle chirping of the birds, and the gruting coming from nearly house.

  Jerkness Neverclean slipped silently through the mesh gates that separated the rest of the district from the strip forest. Goig there was frowned upon by the upper districs and no one dared to go in there. No one, that is, but Jerkess. 

Inhis hand he weilded his stack of oes he hid in his porn magazines for whenever he wanted to come out here. He grinned to himself, thinking about how clever he was. He found his first target: "Live nude girls!" it read. The lights flashed methodically  hypnotizing him. He took his first steps i the tinted doors into the smokey darkness.

The upbeat music thumped and bright lights flashed. He got into his hunter's positio and crawled towards the stage spotting his first prey. She was a pretty young thing, about 21. Long brown hair, shining blue eyes, sexy cowboy gettup. "Yes," he thought, "this would suffice." As he went up to the stage, something crashed into him from behind.

"Ahh!" Jerkness yelled out i supprise. "Got ya!" said a female voice gleefully. He tured around to see his only friend, Gayle. She was blending in here, dressed in lacy underwear with a matching bra. He would never admit it, bt he had always sory of liked her.  He felt "Satan's flagpole" gowing, only adding to his uncomfort.

Sweat beaded down his face, but the darkness hid it from Gayle. The muic pumped, filling the silence. He looked back to see his target had scampered off. "Damn it, Gayle! You made her get away." Jerkness said, slightly annoyed. Gayle just giggled and pointd across the room. "Go get her." she said with her eyes.

Jerkness didn't have to be told twice as he brandished his money and set off to do what he must. After he was finished he came back to highfive Gayle. She pulled something out of her purse and gave it to her friend. He stared in awe, it was the newest issue of Playman. "Wpah! Where did you get this? It's so rare!"  She only smiled in response.

They spent a few minutes reading (maybe fapping) before Gayle spoke up. "The Raping is today. How many times have you put your name in?"  Jerkness spoke quietly, "20. And you?" "37." she replied.They sat silently until their alarms rang.

They both looked at eachother. It's time....


They made their way back to their homes to get ready. Jerkness walked in the calm silence to his house. There wasn't even the grunt of a satisfied Fapper to be heard as he made the trek to his run down cabin. As he neared the door he was assaulted by his little brother.

He looked so much like him. Same short, sandy hair. Same sprinkle of freckles. Same paleness from all the time spent inside. He was a tiny clone of Jerkness. "Hi big brother!"  Prum chirped. He toussled his brother's hair and asked "Are you ready for the Fapping Games? How's dad." "Yeah, and he's okay. He's been in his room all day. He hasn't watched his adult-y movies in months. Bir brother, is daddy okay?

Dad had never been thesame since mom passed years ago. At first he went out to bars every night to hit on slutty women, Then he ordered tons of "toys". Recently he was watching tons of porn. Now, he just sat in his room, mumbling to himself. "Daddy is just sleepy." Jerkness said.

Jerkness shooed his brother to get ready for the Raping Cerimoy. They had to wear special outfits as they awaited their cruel fate. Jerk threw on his "All I do is f*** and party" shirt and some blue jeans with his "I <3 boobies!" Bracelett. He combed back his hair and made sexy poses in the mirror.

He walked i to check on his bro. He was twerking i the mirror wearing a "Boobies" shirt and they same style jeans. Jerk patted him on the head and led him outside to where the cerimony would begin.

What do you guys think? I would like to have a cover contest!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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