3. "Did you?"

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You couldn't remember the last time you had cried for so long.
Maybe when your little sister died?
Or when you got your throat cut and lost your voice?
Whenever the last time was, now you felt like you had the worst time of  your life.
Your stomach and right side hurt, your shoulder seemed like it was dislocated, your eye hurt from the punch and your hands which were cuffed to the heater already had burned spots.
But you couldn't cry anymore.
You felt like but there were no tears left.
You chuckled.
I literally cried an ocean, huh.
You thought, remembering something your mother said when you were young and wouldn't stop crying.
Suddenly you heard a loud bang as somebody crashed against the door next to you.
Some customers tried to break the door open.
They throw themselves against the door again and you flinched.
And again and again.
The door swung open and crashed into the wall.
But not the back door, the front door.
The bell, which normally greeted the costumers fell to the ground and made a quiet sound comparing to the steps rushing over to you.
But every sound rang in your ears and your head felt like it was about to explode.
Then you saw Sherlock.
He rushed to you and knelt down in front of you, eyeing you worried.
Quickly he tugged the towel out of your mouth:" What happened? "
You just gave him a tired look, not able to make much movement.
But he understood.
Of course, he understood, he was the greatest detective of all time.
Watson came rushing in and froze in his action as he saw you:" Oh my god (y/n)!"
"They stole the register?", Sherlock asked you while Watson tried to break the handcuffs, but he didn't even wait for your nod and looked around the cafe to find some evidence.
Finally, Watson broke the handcuffs and your hand fell tired and numb to the ground.
"You didn't hand them the key did you?", Sherlock questioned you further and earned an angry snort from Watson.
"She got beaten up Sherlock! Now is not the right time to ask her something heartless like this! She needs to get to the hospital! And why should she hide the key?!"
"Did you?", Sherlock just asked again, ignoring Watson and you pulled the key out of your sock with a triumphed grin.
Watson's face was priceless now:
His eyes nearly fell out of his head, his eyebrows narrowed in disbelief and his mouth was slightly standing open.
But you cared more about Sherlock's expression.
He had a small proud smile on his face and for whatever reason did this one proud smile meant the world to you now.

Why the key?
Well. Some weeks ago Sherlock installed some sort of protection in the register, which gets activated when someone breaks it open with force.
The criminal would be splashed with some sort of colour, that can't be washed away.
Well, at least not with regular soaps.

Sherlock picked you up from the ground (bridal style of course ;)), carefully, to not make you feel even more pain than you already did and you let your head rest on his shoulder.
Before you even knew you drifted off as he carried you...

Sorry for the short chapter but I promised to upload it fast and I still need to gather some ideas for what happens next.
I hope you still enjoyed it!

Sherlock x Mute!ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora