F is for Failure

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Okay, so this may not have been the best approach…

Asher admitted as he stared at the stunned Cecilie in the doorway. Had Aiden told Asher to buy her flowers? Yes. Had he said to be shirtless? Yes. Did he tell him to show up randomly like that in her bedroom? Well…no.

But here he was anyway, half naked with a bunch of sunflowers in hand. He had taken a liking to the flowers every since he met Cecilie. They were the same bright yellow as her hair.

But she didn’t look angry or happy or anything at the moment. She looked paralyzed and that made him more nervous. He shifted from one foot to the other, tossing the bouquet in either hand to relax his sweaty palms. Why wasn't she saying anything?

Asher sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Cecilie..."

That seemed to break whatever spell she was under. Cecilie blinked, sucked in a breath, and shouted, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Well, at least it was a step up from the blank response.

"I..." He hesitated, staring at his feet. Jesus, who was this pathetic guy? It certainly wasn't the Asher he knew. "I got you these." He held them out to her and Cecilie, numbly, received them with a glare.

"Why are you shirtless in my bedroom?" There was a scary calm to her voice as her eyes darkened.

Mate! His annoying wolf continued chanting in his head. Shut up! Asher growled back, trying to ignore his hormones. It was hard enough dealing with not touching Cecilie without his wolf trying to claim her every second of the day.

Cecilie took a few steps toward him. Her expression was completely furious. "I'll ask you again," she hissed. "What are you doing in my bedroom?"

Asher's mind went blank. "Er...What?"

She continued to yell at him, but the boy was completely lost now. His mate was less than a foot away, smelled delicious, and turned fucking hot when she was angry. Was he turned on? Maybe a little.

"You can't just turn up in my bedroom like this!" Cecilie yelled over and over again. Her throat was burning from all the screaming. "My grandmother could turn up any second! And why the hell are you always naked? Seriously? Have you ever heard of a shirt?"

It wasn't until a hand wrapped around her waist that Cecilie realized Asher's eyes had glazed over. He pulled her until she pressed against his chest, her expression bewildered. Curse those blue eyes! She sighed to herself. They really were her achilles heel. Her own anger disappated, replaced by a hotter, needing sensation she didn't entirely understand.

And just like that he disappeared. Poof! There was a brush of air and Cecilie was completely alone in the room. Disappointed, she shook her burning cheeks. Wait, disappointed? Because what? She certainly didn't want to kiss that moron, that's for sure!

Just then the door opened and her grandmother popped her head in. "Oh, there you are Cecilie." She smiled. "I just wanted to tell you I'll be going out again. Dinners ready in the kitchen."

Her grandmother was just about to close the door when she peeked at Cecilie again. "Are you all right, dear?" she questioned. "You seem a little flushed. Are those sunflowers?"

"I'm fine," Cecilie groaned, and to her embarrassment her cheeks warmed even more. "It's just hot. I think I'll open a window." Her grandmother left and Cecilie dumped the flowers into the garbage. Then she walked toward her bedroom window and, seeing as it was already open, put her hands to close it, but before that she stuck her head out and growled asshole under her breath.


"So, how did it go?"

The reply to Aiden's question was a punch to the face. Asher pulled his fist back and continued moving into the house in both anger and defeat.

With a black eye forming, Aiden laughed. "Man, you are so screwed!"

No, he'd get Cecilie. That he was certain. He'd just have to play dirty.

I know these chapters are getting really short and I apologize! Hopefully that means for quicker updates tho, right? =]

Mating SeasonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora