Chapter 2

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Sage POV:

I grabbed my black YSL dress and a pair of black louboutin heels ,and a bra and my undies and a towel to shower. I put my phone my type and hopped in the shower. After I finished showering I put on a tank top and shorts and started on my make -up when Chanel and the girls came in my room, twerking . Girl that's my song Deyona said ,Chanel and Shayla came back with their make -up ,and Shayla asked you want me to do your lashes ? sure I said ,I  think Chris has a thing for you ,nah I think Derrian does too .  What about y'all I thought y'all was dating the guys ,like y'all all was booed up. The only couple around here is Ryan and Chanel ,that's bae Chanel said. I kind of have a crush on Daniel Shayla said. I'm single my boyfriend  just broke up with me It's a long story I told him about how Austin dumped me before graduation.Dang man that's messed up Sage ! Deyona said .Did he know you got accepted into medical school for the fall ? no he dumped me before I could tell him but I posted my acceptance letter on my Instagram account. It's okay watch Chris and Derrian both try to get your number before the night is over Chanel said laughing. They finished my make up and and they went back get their clothes to get dressed  in my room.  Chanel choose a red short dress to wear ,Deyona choose a Black and white dress to wear and Shayla choose to wear a black short tight dress. When we all walked out of my room and went down stairs to find the guys all dress and ready, Derrian had on a button down shirt and some jeans with some polo boots. Chris had on a polo white dress shirt and jeans and some polo boots. They both stared at me and smiled I looked down and noticed my I got a text from my best friend from college Lexi , Lexi💕: Sage ?? Where are you ,Your mom and dad have been calling me non stop. I texted her back ,Baddie Sage😜💕: I'm fine Lexi ,I will call them tonight ,I just needed to get away. Lexi💕: Okay make sure you call me too!! Aye Sage you got a man who you texting ? Chris yelled in the car  ,I blushed and laughed as I said no I don't its my Bestfriend Lexie ,and Chanel said girl bye you don't have to answer him ,damn Chris she don't have man ,I know you wanna know too derrian. I laughed as the radio played city girls and Deyona started screaming   because Chanel was twerking ,and Ryan asked who gave Chanel some alcohol ? I laughed , I looked over and we made it to the club ,Daniel got us a table and Ryan got us all shots of patron . I grabbed my shot and tossed it back ,and Shayla grabbed my hand and we made our way to the dance floor as Cardi B and the city girls remix played . I turned around and as I felt a pair of hands grab my waist as I continued dancing ,I looked back as I saw derrian smiling at me ,Chris was dancing with some random girl we did'nt know I smiled back at Derrian , he whispered  you fine as hell I laughed . We went back to the bar I ordered a lemon drop and Derrian got a glass of Hennessy  ,Can I get your number ? yeah give me your phone I told him . I saved my number as * Med School Sage😍*  I sent myself a text and saved his number in my phone . He looked at the text and said you in Medical school ? I said yeah I start in the fall . " Word, so you fine and smart "I laughed as he whispered in my ear and I'm going to make you mine. I said we will see,I felt my phone vibrate as I saw that Austin texted me . EX💔: saw your instagram post congratulations  on getting into medical School . I shook my head as I read the text and closed my messages. You okay? Derrian asked yeah I said as I finished my lemon drop ,lets go dance. I noticed Shayla,Deyona and Chanel starring at us . We continued to dance until the girls took me away from him. We all walked arm and arm back to the uber after the club closed ,and I decided to text my mom and dad instead of call them . I also texted Lexi back as well . Once we made it back to the house Derrian held his hand out for me and picked me up and put me on his back and walked up the stairs and grabbed my heels and set them down ,then he lifted my dress up and put one of his t-shirts on me and laid me in my bed and turned the light off . 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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