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Neira spent the next day alone on her porch, lounging in the sun like a lizard. Landon had stopped by for a couple of hours, sunning himself with her. His blonde hair looked almost white in the sun, but his tan skin was near golden already. Summer had done him well.

He had brought her clothes, a couple pairs of shorts and a few t-shirts. Good thing too, she was pretty sure the one set of clothes she had were beginning to smell.

As the sun was setting another pair of boots stood on her pouch. She knew who it was by the smell, mist, and earth. She had her shirt off, laying on her stomach on the still warm boards. Her head was turned away, eyes closed to enjoy the heat lancing her back.

"Judd," she said flatly, "you are blocking my sun."

He toed her ribs with his boot, "are you part reptile? You have been out here all day."

She turned her head to the other side, eyeing him staring down at her. "You would only know that if you had been watching me all day." He smiled and looked out at the forest. "What do you want, Judd?"

His eyes fell back down from the treetops to the tattoo on her spine. "What does that mean?"

It wasn't in a language he would know, of course, no one could remember the old tongue anymore. The only reason she knew it was because of her mother and her unwavering fascination with their histories.

"It's a secret," she said with a small smile.

He nodded at her, "well would you like to go for a run with me? Sada and Aja are up shit creek together, and the boys left about an hour ago to get supplies for the heat."

She just studied his face. His facial hair had grown out, a shadow making his already strong jaw look sharper. He wanted to run with her... alone. She supposed that would be alright. Hell, in a matter of days she would be closer to him then she had been with anyone else.

She stood causing him to swallow as the sight of her bare breasts. She took her shorts off next, staring him in the eye as she did so. Then she dove off the deck a wolf and ran into the woods.

He watched her retreating tail for a moment before he quickly undressed and ran after her. As a wolf, she was covered in reddish-brown fur, all except for a single cream splotch on her spine. Her pelt was well groomed, soft looking under the sparse sun rays hitting her from the canopy above.

Judd ran after her, sticking close but not too close. Just enough for her to feel his presence but not enough to feel threatened by it. She ran far, taking a corner to a creek running through his land.

She stopped, front paw in the water, to drink.

She thought she saw something move in the woods on the other side; a chill lanced her spine as if someone had taken a whip to it. He just watched her for a long while, her pelt shining in the sunlight. He pressed forward, coming up behind her quietly.

She froze, still like a lamb as he stalked up to her, watching that spot in threes that had moved just moments ago. She didn't see movement again.

His nose hit her hindquarters first, and she growled a warning. He didn't take to hint, just ignored how still her body had gone.

His nose ran through her pelt along her side, taking in long inhalations of her scent. She snarled again.

This time he growled back, telling her to shut it.

His nose dipped low, heading towards the supple skin of her underbelly. She jumped, spinning to put her jowls on his throat. Her target was missed, the only thing she got was a bit of fur just above his copper eye.

She lunged again, but she didn't even get a chance to open her jaws. He had clamped his teeth around her ear, blood already running from the wound.

Neira barked in pain and spun as soon as his teeth released her ear. She was pressed into the ground in the next moment, the male wolf holding her down with his teeth in the scruff of her neck.

She had never been so frustrated in her life. Here she was, never losing a challenge in her life. Every Alpha who tired his wits against her failed, and now here she was, pressed into the earth like a silly little female.

All she did was snarl and shake with rage underneath him; her head pulled up from the earth by his bite.

The copper and silver wolf just held her there, waiting for the submission.

Once she settled, and her growling ended he slowly unlocked his jaws, beginning to lick her scruff and bleeding ear. The auburn wolf just put her head against the earth, pouting.

When he was finished, he crawled off of her and laid down in the grass a few feet from her, staring at her with those bronze eyes. Neira snorted at him, shaking her damp fur out.

If he wasn't going to help her with her heat, she would have hated him. She already hated his never-ending stare with those stupid copper eyes and the strength of him. She hated how he could overpower her in a couple of seconds, hated how with the heat so close she was beginning to like is.

She snorted again and stood. She shook the dirt from the rest of her pelt and watched as he stood too, watching her with those copper eyes. The look he was giving her was full of apprehension. He was looking to see if she was just aggressive because of who she was, or if it was the heat beginning to work its way into her body.

Stupid wolf. The moment the heat hit her, she would know. She was just aggressive by nature.

He took a step toward her, nose twitching as he tried to gauge her emotions. And then he was running away, tail in the air like an arrogant pup.

She dashed after him. Chase, chase, chase.

Judd was fast, almost too fast for her to even keep close. He was ducking and diving through the trees, his copper and silver body looking like a smear as he ran.

She cut across the path at one point, cutting him off as he rounded the corner. His paws dug into the earth as he skidded to a halt.

Here she was, panting and wiped from the run and he just stood there, watching her with jowls closed, head tilted to the side studying her. She snapped her teeth at him.

When he didn't make a move, she took a step toward him; head tilted slightly at the ground. Judd just watched her approach, unmoving. Neira put her nose against his shoulder, sniffing long and hard.

She didn't know what came over her, what made her tilt her head to the side and smear her cheek into his shoulder.

He blinked at her, only slightly shocked and when he didn't make a move to snap at her, she did it again, rubbed her scent into his pelt.

All restraint went out the window then, as she pressed her side against him and ran the length of her body against his.

Then Neira dashed into the trees, running away from the copper eyes taking a good look at her rear.

He caught her as she hit the steps of her cabin, teeth in her tail and pulled her back to the ground. He circled her, growling.

And then in a few seconds flat, Judd went from wolf to man.

He didn't bother to cover his important parts, and Neira couldn't help where her eyes landed. He smirked at her, "shift."

Neira snarled at him. Like hell, she would listen to him.

"Shift Neira," Judd snapped, "Or you'll find yourself in the dirt again."

No, she could hate him. She did hate him.

She saw his face turning wolf, and she quickly shifted, wanting to avoid another dominance match that she knew she wouldn't win. She just glared at him.

"You can eat with me or by yourself," he said turning away from her. "Your choice."

Eat? With him? Alone?

"I will be fine alone thank you very much," she snapped at him. She took the stairs two at a time, naked body jumping in places she wished it wouldn't while Judd was watching.

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