Chapter 8 You Came Back

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Draco stayed in the west wing as Pansy, Blaise and Theo headed to the entrance hall. He had never felt so horrible in all his life. "I was the one who had it all. I was the master of my fate. I never needed anybody in my life. I learned the truth too late."

Draco placed his paw on the small table that the rose sat on and sighed. He had the chance to break the curse and he blew it. "I'll never shake away the pain. I close my eyes but she's still there. I let her steal into my melancholy heart. It's more than I can bare."

As he looked into the mirror that he had uncovered for Hermione to see her father, he was finally reminded of how horrible he looked. "Now I know she'll never leave me, even as she runs away. She will still torment me, calm me, hurt me, move me, come what may." Ever since the curse, he covered every mirror, and every reflective surface. He was well aware of what he had become, but he didn't want to admit it.

"Wasting in my lonely tower, waiting by an open door." The mirror was mocking him, at least that's what Draco thought. Draco thought a Blast ended skrewt was ugly, that was before he saw his beastly self.

He stepped out onto the balcony, and watched as Hermione got further and further away from the castle. The gold color of her dress that stood out amongst the dark bushes seemed to get smaller and smaller, the further she travelled. "I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in and be with me for evermore."


Hermione united with Philippe who was tied to the railing of the manor staircase, and pulled herself up on his saddle before rushing out of the manor grounds. As she travelled from Wiltshire to London, she could feel a serious change of weather. The cold winter curse of Wiltshire turned into a warm summer air in London. After about two hours of travel, the glow of Big Ben caught her attention, which meant Diagon Alley wasn't very far.

As she reached the brick wall of Diagon Alley, she saw her father practically being thrown into a stagecoach that had no windows. Hermione saw that two threstals were connected to the stagecoach, and Cormac stood next to them with a smile on his face. "Stop what you're doing!", Hermione shouted with furry.

"Hermione, it sure has been awhile since we've seen you around town. Your father has been telling us a whole bunch of lies while you were gone."

"Just what exactly do you think you're doing with him?" She glared at Cormac with a grimace before looking at everyone else for answers. It seemed that the everyone in Diagon Alley had come to see what all the commotion was about. Suddenly Hermione saw Kingsley Shacklebolt step forward.

"I'm sorry, Miss Granger, but this is what's best for our people. A crazy man like him doesn't belong in our world."

Hermione she's mouth widened in shock. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. A town full of wizards were afraid of a muggle. Wizards and witches didn't have to worry about that since the 1700's. "My fathers not crazy!" Hermione's heart started to beat faster at the idea of losing her father. She already lost her mother, she couldn't lose him too.

"You may think that, Hermione, but he's been running around town yelling about a beast that wants to kill you. And here you are, most likely coming back from the British library." The whole town started to laugh at Cormac's statement. They all figured the bookworm got lost in one of her stories.

"I was just there! He's not lying. There really is a beast!" She suddenly remembered the mirror that Draco had given her. She yanked it out of the bag on Philippe's saddle, and said the words "I wish to see the beast", before showing the mirror to everyone.

They gasped at the sight of the ruffled fur, sharp teeth, and huge claws. His cold eyes seemed to stare back at them. "Don't be afraid. It's Malfoy. You all know him."

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