In the begining

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I woke up to see my boyfriend was not next to me. I hated waking up and not seeing Zack next to me. So I got up and begun looking for him around our house.
"Babe!" I yelled
"Kitchen!" He responded
I ran into the kitchen to find him eating some cereal.
"I really don't wanna go today."
" I can tell the couches I'm sick and we can stay home?"
"No I shouldn't be encouraging you to skip a game. I'll just make Dana and all them come keep my company."
There was a knock on the door so I got up to go open it. It was Zack's mom.
"It's your mom."
He ran up to the door.
"What are you doing here?"
"Just wondering if you wanted a ride to the game?"
"Well have you showered yet?"
"Why does it matter?"
"Because if you're gonna walk around with her at least make her presentable."
I had to walk away before I hit her. I threw some clothes and makeup on and grabbed my keys. When I got there he was still bickering with his mom. I didn't say anything I just grabbed his hand and we went to the car. When we got there I saw my 4 best friends waiting on me. I gave Zack a kiss and he ran to the dugout. Dana, Gabe, Cole, and Dalton walked up to me.
"Hey princess." Dana said giving me a hug
"Yeah long time no see, thought you were dead." Dalton chuckled.
"Nope not yet." I said returning his hug.
"Oh my god we missed you chica!" Gabe said hugging me and spinning me around. Obviously the most excited.
"I thought you were going fake on us. Trynna drop out." Cole said not even coming within arms length.
Then it was silent.
"Let's go find some food." Dana said motioning for me to get on his back and breaking the silence.
I got on his back and we started walking to the concession stand. After we made it back to our spots and we were sitting, I saw someone from my past..
"The fuck are you doing in my park?" Gaige said behind me. I immediately knew the voice.
"What do you want?" I said not even turning around.
"Just to find out what you're doing here."
"Go away."
"What you scared I'm gonna have Dylan come down here?"
Dylan was my ex boyfriend, he was my first love. And I haven't heard his name in almost 2 years.
"She said go away." Cole said standing up and looking at him.
"What? We got a problem?" Gaige said. I assume he flashed his gun cause Cole pulled his out and lifted it.
"I don't know do we? Now I'm pretty sure she said go." Cole replied.
Gaige didn't say anything he just left. So Cole  sat back down.
"Cole what the fuck you can't be pullin your gun out mid day at a fucking park have you lost it?!" I said furious at his pride.
"It got him to go away!"
"We can't risk getting caught up! Or caught in a war!"
"Ok damn I'm sorry." It got quiet. "You haven't hit us up in a while I'm a little rusty, don't hate me." He said wrapping his arm around me.
"I don't hate you but we gotta stay low right now."
We watched the baseball game for a couple minutes until I heard another voice.
"Hm. I thought Gaige was lying. Guess Mariah is actually here."
It was Dylan. I'm usually good with keeping my cool but I couldn't. I stood up and pulled out my gun.
"Get the fuck away! Go! Now!"
"Damn you mad? I hear you got a new nigga."
"That's none of your business now get the fuck away."
All the boys stood up behind me.
"What you gonna shoot me?"
"Not yet. Here's your warning." I shot Gaige's leg and he dropped
"Look at you with a silencer." Dylan said not even flinching that his best friend was shot and on the ground.
Zack must've seen what happened because he ran up and put me behind him.
"Get behind the boys."
"What? No way."
"Get the fuck behind the boys!"
Zack had never seen this side of me. I was always scared he would get hurt or leave me. But he did as I said and got behind the boys.
"Is that him?"
"Leave It Dylan."
"Hell no! This is the dude your fuckin?"
"Why do you care I left you like 2 years ago fucking go while you still have some pride."
He seemed to have thought it over. Then he raised his gun and shot Dalton who was right in front of Zack. Leaving him completely defenseless. Dana went to shoot Dylan but his other friend Mark got in the way and he got shot. Dylan shot Zack and I darted to him after he dropped. I was shaking but I raised my gun to Dylan's head but ended up shooting his shoulder. I was calling an ambulance before I had even realized Gabe was stabbed. I didn't know who to be more worried about. Dalton Gabe or Zack. I refused to let the paramedics take Zack.
"Riah let them do their job. We'll meet them there. I promise." Cole said pulling me away as I was sobbing.
I had seen people die before but never someone so close to me. I had always surrounded myself with people who couldn't be touched.. guess that's not the case now.

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