The hospital

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I ran up to the desk with Cole and Dana just behind me.
"I- I need to know where uh Zack Jackson's is and Gabriel Morals a-and Dalton Rapattoni."
"They're in surgery but Mr.Morals is in room 409."
I started to run up the stairs with the boys following I didn't stop running until I got to his room.
"Are you okay?"
"I've been through a lot worse."
"God I'm gonna put a bullet in his head I swear. He shot him."
"Is he really the reason you're crying."
My tears stopped and I got extremely serious.
"My bad. But look. There ain't shit any of us can do until any of them get out of surgery. So you might wanna take the remote make Cole go get us some food and we can all chill here until they get out."
"What the fuck that's what Dana and I have been trying to tell you!" Cole yelled.
Cole went and got us food and we watched tv for almost 2 hours until Zack got rolled in by a nurse. He didn't hug me or even look at me.
"Someone gonna tell me why I have a bullet hole in me."  He said looking at the floor.
"You always wonder why I have money.. and why I'm on the phone a lot-" I started
"She's the leader of the 100s." Cole cut me off.
"Cole what the fuck. You should've let her tell him." Dana said scolding him.
"You're what?" Zack asked
"I run a gang. But I try my best to stay distant and keep my name out of stuff."
"I'm going to my room."
"Zack do-"
"Don't touch me Mariah. You've lied me the past year."
"You never asked me if I ran a gang."
He just turned around and rolled out. When he left Dana started laughing.
"The fuck are you laughing at?" I asked pissed off.
"He rolled out." Dana said loosing it.
"Oh my god." I said beginning to laugh. "So we gotta go talk to Dylan eventually. Who's coming with?"
"Got you." Dana responded
"We'll be back in 5 minutes. If not I'll text you the room number when I get it but you know."
We got up and walked to the elevators.
"So what do you plan on saying to him?"
"I don't know. I'm just gonna wing it."
"Very leaderily of you Ri."
"Boy that's not even a word."
We walked to the desk.
"What room is Dylan Michael?"
"Room 608."
"Thank you."
We walked back to the elevators before we got in I texted Cole the room number and then got in.
"You should give me your gun."
"You're funny."
"I'm serious."
"What the fuck you're not getting my gun."
I get defensive without my gun..
"How about if we stop and you and Cole go?"
"That wouldn't make a difference."
"It's not even like that. I just like my gun a lot.. please don't take it."
"I don't want you to do something you shouldn't do. If you need it I'll give it to you. I'll be right there princess. Trust me."
I rolled my eyes and handed him my gun. A second later the elevators opened and we walked out.
"Here it is."
"Fuck my life." I said as we walked in.
"Dont fucking call me that. What are you doing right now?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why are you trippin so hard right now?"
"Over what?"
"I'm not trippin over Zack."
"Then I want your word you won't hurt him."
"The fuck?"
I pulled out my butterfly knife and opened it and stabbed his hand pinning it to the bed.
"That's hot." Dana said chucking.
I knew he was just kidding. But then 3 of Dylan's guys came in the room with guns. Dana walked to me and tucked my gun in my pants. I had my hand on it when I pulled my knife out and pinned his other hand. They clocked their guns and I held mine to Dylan's head.
"Shoot me. I dare you." I had to wait for like 2 more minutes tops until Cole would come, I had to stall. "Now what? We all gonna sit here and listen to the questions I ask him. Y'all ain't no better than the feds. No damn privacy" I rolled my eyes. "So why now?"
"Really wanna know?"
"That's why I'm asking you at gun point."
"Jamie's pregnant."
"Oh fuck."
"Who's Jamie?" Dana asked finally chiming in.
"Jamie's his best friends girl, my best friend.. like sister best friend."
That news really did something to me, my hand became weak and my vision became blurry. She was my best friend and she did everything for me.. everything. I saw Cole I picked up my knife out of his hand and put it away. I put my gun away but not before making a little scene. I pistol whipped Dylan then held the gun at one of the guys and Cole and Dana put up their guns.
"So I want your word you won't touch Zack."
"In front of my boys really?" I shook my head. "Well you know I've always had a soft spot for you." I just rolled my eyes. "Fine. I give you my word I won't touch your pretty boy.
"Okay we're leaving bitches. Give Jamie my number."
And the let me walk out. When I dated Dylan I always knew his gang couldn't touch me and they weren't allowed to let anyone touch me. I assume that still stands.
"You did pretty good for winging it."
I was too busy thinking about my best friend being pregnant than whatever Dana was saying.
"Ri? Ri? Mariah?!" Dana has to raise his voice to get my attention.
"What? Sorry."
" I was asking you if you think he'll stick to it?"
"Yeah I think he will. But he'll find a loophole."
Dana nodded his head and the elevator opened and we were back in Gabe's room. It was about 9:00 PM.
"Oh my god I'm tired of hospitals." I said putting my head on my hands.
"They get released in a couple hours. You should go see Zack." Cole mumbled.
I nodded my head and I was about to walk out when I ran into Zack in a wheel chair.
"I can't do this." He said not looking at me.
"After a year this is what ends us."
"I heard about Cole."
"What do you mean?"
"I know there's something going on I'm not a fucking idiot!"
"There is nothing going on between Cole and I!"
"Watch the way you talk to her." Cole said stepping in. "And as for anything between us you shouldn't be worried. Not my type."
"Fuck your Pendery. But he's right there's nothing between us."
"Whatever you can have fun with your hoe."
"Hoe?" I said getting angry.
Before I could say anything Cole steppes in and threw his arm back hitting him so hard he rolled back.
"What did you call her?! Say it again bitch I dare you!"
Zack stood up
"She a hoe! She lied to me! She's been making googly eyes at you since I met y'all!"
Cole pushed him to the ground and pulled out his gun. He pistol whipped his jaw.
"Watch how you speak on our girl." He said holding the gun to his head. "Get in your wheelchair and roll the fuck out of here bitch."
Zack stepped up and hit Cole which really set him off. Cole pushed him down again and climbed on top of him and just kept hitting him until his face was bloody. Dana started to pull Cole off but he couldn't so Gabe hopped out of bed to help him. Zack got up and kept trying to go for Cole so I pushed him down and held my gun up.
"Quit starting shit. You wanna leave there's the door." I said nudging to the door.
He rolled his eyes and left. He barley hit Cole but he got a couple hits in plus Dana had to beat him off of Zack. Cole always had some anger issues. So I rushed over to him with a wet paper towel and started wiping away the blood.
"Ouch princess."
"Get over it you've been shot before that wasn't shit."
"Damn I was defending you." I rolled my eyes at him and kept patting his wounds.
"You don't need stitches." I said lightly pushing his head away from me.
"Fuck. Why are you so meean to me?" He asked chuckling.
"So what's Dylan gonna do now?"
"I don't know. We need to watch Zack."
"Fuck that bitch." Cole said spitting out a little blood.
"Either way we're responsible for him."
"You're responsible for him Ri." Dalton said from a chair I didn't even notice he was sitting in. He looked like shit. Definitely worse than any other the other boys.
"We're a team." Dana said with some bass in his voice.
"I know but I'm tired of her making mistakes and we all take the fall for it yet she's still our leader."
"She's our fucking princess. Yeah that's exactly how it works."
"Do you have a problem with that Rapattoni?" I said transitioning my attention from Cole to Dalton.
"No what?"
"No ma'am."
"Better." I shook my head lightly.
"Damn." Cole said looking at me.
Dalton huffed but he didn't move. He knew he would look like a bitch so he couldn't.
"Until y'all get released I'm going to the house." Cole said before grabbing my wrist. "I'm taking princess." He nodded at the boys and we were out the room.
I shook my wrist out of his hand.
"The fuck." I said as I snatched it.
"I figured you wouldn't wanna stay in here. Was I wrong cause you can go back cause I plan on going to your house and I mean if you want me there alone."
He looked at me again. This mother fucker was checking me out. Ew.
"Stop. Just no. Never."
"Then you shouldn't have a problem going with me."
I rolled my eyes and followed him to the elevators. It was silent until they opened.
"Race you to the car?"
"You're like 7." I replied as I took off after him falling behind.
He beat me to the car which meant I had to drive. He threw me the keys and we were about to hop in when the 3 guys from Dylan's room walked up.
"Princess get in the car." Cole said pulling out a gun.
"Hell no."
"You never fucking listen." He whispered
"What do y'all want?" I said rolling my eyes.
"It's not about what we want."
"Look being in love with Dylan isn't all it's cracked up to be I promise."
"Shut the fuck up."
"What is with everyone thinking they can talk to you how ever they want?" Cole said looking at me.
"Teach us a lesson." One guy said
"Look I don't swing that way, but from what Ri has told me Dylan should be more than happy to-"
He was cut off by one guy trying to shoot me. I ducked then I lifted my gun to shoot the guy in the head. Cole hit one of the other guys and his gun flew across the garage. He kept hitting him until he was knocked out. Which wasn't long. I was about to shoot the third guy but he looked like he had no idea what he was doing with a gun. Cole got up and snatched him up by the shirt.
"Tell Dylan back off or I'm coming for his ass!" Cole said pissed then threw him to the ground. "Get in the car." Cole said before turning around to kick him a few times to make sure he wasn't getting up.
I got in the car just like Cole said to do and I started it. I pulled over to where he was and opened the door, then we sped off leaving them all 3 there 2 barley alive.

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