- Chapter 12 -

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Katherine met Eloise as she stepped from the carriage, and her friend immediately wrapped her in an embrace.

"Katherine! Excuse me if I do not greet you with the regular pleasantries. I must immediately apologize for subjecting you to such unpleasant encounters on your trip, due to our own prideful secrecy. Let us sit and we shall explain all!"

"Oh, dear Eloise, I'm sure it is not your doing!" Kat entwined her arm in her Miss Gray's. "I am eager hear you, however, for you may be sure, I do not know what to think" Then in sudden realization added "Pardon, we? Who has come with you?" By turning again towards the carriage, it was found that none other than Mr Benedict Gray himself had descended from therein, and was now moving towards them. Katherine started in astonishment with a nervous step backward. "How can this be...what scheme is this!?" She cried, looking to her friend with agitation. While Miss Gray then purposed to put her dear friend at ease, Katherine's good sense suddenly formed a notion as to how Mr Gray could be found in two places at once, and right away relieved herself of her turbulence of mind. The three of them found a bench among the hedge garden nearby and sat thereon. She listened intently, with hopeful expectation of having her notion confirmed as Mr Gray began to speak.

He first informed, as Katherine had just now guessed, that he had another brother, a twin, who had preceded him from the womb. John Gray, being the eldest by sixteen minutes, was second in line to inherit their family's estate and holdings; but worried their father with his tendency towards wasteful and careless behavior. Eloise then interjected that he had always been wild in his youth, but as he grew older, became, by no small means, a rascal and a rake. She seemed to be about to divulge the events which secured him such notoriety, but instead looked to her brother, flushing uncomfortably.

Mr Gray obliged to continue for her, explaining that it had come to their attention, not two years past, that he had charmed the virtue away from a naive and besotted young woman of little fortune. They had rushed to save the two from complete ruination; but at the alter they were grievously interrupted by the father of another young girl, of equal fortune and character though a year older, who claimed John to be the father of his daughter's child. It was, at first, too much to be believed; but the girl and child were brought with him, and the horror of recognition on the faces of both John and she, as well as the undeniability of facts and evidence presented, made it impossible for his claims to be anything but the truth.

"As such," Eloise sighed, "John could not possibly marry both; and having no idea (even now) as to how many other ladies he may have so abominably used, we had no option but to compensate the families for the misfortunes applied to them by our disreputable brother, and leave him free of any marital attachment."

Mr Gray concluded. "He has, naturally, been disaffiliated with our family. He chose to join in the navy, though I doubt he will gain much recognition or experience there, considering most enter service at a very young age; and he being seven-and-twenty..."

"He seems to be receiving all the recognition he cares for." Katherine muttered in the ensuing silence; but after a short time, and with much animation, she then expressed her relief in finding Benedict Gray as good and amiable as she ever believed him to be! "Oh Benedict, Eloise, how wonderful it is I can now look forward to the harvest picnic this month without any anxiety or discomfort!"

The siblings agreed cheerfully. "And Oh, if only our embarrassment of such a brother had not kept us from mentioning him. Then you might have been prepared and such a misunderstanding would never have occurred!" Eloise cried. "But all is well and good, and we shall put this unpleasantness behind and look forward to more joyful events!"

If Katherine had been looking, she would have seen the twinkling glance Miss Gray settled upon her brother as she concluded her speech. But as she was happily focused on the smiling eyes of Mr Gray, she did not see it, and was left in ignorance of Miss Gray's hopes for the brother and the friend.

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