Wickedly Enchanted

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"He was there for her. He had traveled so far just to feel her aura. He needed her far more than any mortal love could need. He knew that his written destiny, was written for her. He had to have her. He was going to live with her by his side as long as they both lived once he found her.

What's it matter if they're in love, She just doesn't know it yet?

She was his destiny, just as he was hers. Through nothing but pure and true love could all fall into place. But first, to woo her..."

"Now Azree, my sweet grandchild, before I continue what are the steps a gentleman must perform in order to 'woo' his destined?" Grandma Betty asked, glancing down at her beautiful granddaughter from her rocking chair.

The little girl giggled and watched as her Grandma Betty's eyes softened. "I know what the pwince has to do Gwandma! You've told me!!" She bounced excitedly on the worn tiles of Grandma Betty's sun-room.

"Well then my darling caterpillar, what must the prince do to win your heart?" The old rocking chair squeaked as it rocked back and forth, back and forth.

The 4 year old pondered for a short moment before smiling and showing the elder woman her missing front teeth. "The pwince must always remember his manners! He has to offer her flowers and yummies...annnd he has to dance!" She squealed and clapped her hands, knowing full well that was not what her Grandma Betty had wanted.

"Together then, my Sunshine, since you've seemed to have forgotten." And with a twinkle in her eyes, she started to recite, "your gentleman must 1) present applicable knowledge and understanding of two worlds to be considered plethorable. 2) bring forth his shining personality to be most emasculate 3) hold in his position the family crest that represents his mighty and just kingdom." Although the small 4 year old couldn't pronounce most of the words nor understand, she did try her best to copy her.

"Hollyn, baby, it's time to leave now," the soft voice spoke from the doorway.

Turning, Hollyn Azrielle McLean, looked up to see her beautiful mother smiling down at her and grandma Betty, while placing her smooth hands and her swollen belly. Her mother looked quickly at the aged book sitting on her mother's lap, now called Grandma Betty so as not to confuse Hollyn, and a crease appeared in the middle of the pregnant woman's smooth forehead.

"Now mother," Hollyn's momma started with her still sweet voice, "I thought we'd discussed not reading her any of the book at this age."

Grandma Betty simply wave her hand at her daughter, a mother now as well, and leaned down to Hollyn, "now my little ray of joy, it is time to leave for your home." However, Hollyn shook her small head no.

Chuckling, Grandma Betty intervened Hollyn's mother from reciprocating the child and said, "Azree, the sooner you head back home, the sooner you'll be back again."

And within 10 minutes, little Hollyn was buckled into her car seat, an her and her momma and daddy were on their way home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2014 ⏰

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