• 22nd birthday giveaway •

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Guess what? It's my birthday month!

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Guess what? It's my birthday month!

I'll be turning 22 on the 24th of February.

Tbh, I didn't ever think I would reach 22😂

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Tbh, I didn't ever think I would reach 22

Gosh. What a ride.

Bad relationships, crushes, amazing friends, bitchy best friends, parental malfunctions, personal issues, tears, losing people, gaining people . . .

Like, calm down, Life.

Give me a chance to catch up, okay?

Give me a chance to catch up, okay?

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But I must say, without all that shit, I wouldn't be the person I am today.
Yeah, I've done shitty things. But everything in my life has led me to this specific point.
It's made me question myself, change for the better -- meh, mostly --, and it's helped me realize that the only person I need to be happy is me.

This is such a great lesson -- because of that ridiculous Tell Me You Love Me song promoting 'you ain't nobody 'til you got somebody' -- for everyone who feels like they'll only be happy with someone else's approval. This is so not the case.

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