13. "How long have you been sleeping with my husband?"

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I roamed through the books Damian had on the shelf in his office. They were mostly medical books and dictionaries except for some football magazines he kept on the right side corner. He used to be a big football fan back when we met. He actually influenced my like for football.

I didn't care about football before Damian. Now, I found myself watching the games whenever I could. I had a preference over the Green Bay Packers mostly because of the crush I had on Aaron Rodgers though I genuinely liked to watch football. It was entertaining.

I reached and pulled a magazine out. A piece of paper fell down to the floor and I reached down to pick it up.

When I looked at it, I realized that it wasn't a piece of paper. It was a picture of Damian and I. It was back when we began dating, when I was in college and he was in medical school. It was a selfie, our cheeks were touching as we smiled at the camera.

I remembered taking this picture and if I remembered correctly-

I turned the picture over and smiled. On the back of it, I had written the words "I love you, Damian" and drawn a small heart next to his name.

I felt a knot build in my throat as I stared at our happy faces. We were so young, so unaware of what was going to happen to us. Of what I was going to do to us. What Damian and I had-it was real. It was love. He was everything I've always wanted. Someone with a career. Someone who cared about me. Someone who respected me. His mom never thought I deserved him and maybe she was right. After what I did to him...I'm sure she hated me even more now. I didn't want to see that woman again.

I heard the door open behind me and I turned around, thinking it was Damian. Instead, it was Karen.

"Sorry," She looked embarrassed when she saw me. "Damian is right-I need to stop doing that." She said then pointed to a cabinet Damian had next to his desk. "I just need a patient's file."

"Of course," I said when I realized she was asking me for permission. As if she didn't always enter his office without asking, I was sure she did.

I watched as she walked in and went to the cabinet, opening one of the drawers with a key in her key chain.

I looked down at the picture again. We took that months after Damian and Karen broke up. I squinted my eyes at Damian. Did you guys get back together? Did you sleep with her? I asked him silently in my head.

"So how have you been?"

I looked up at Karen a little startled. I had forgotten she was in the room for a second. I cleared my throat. "I've been good and you?"

"Great," She nodded as she clutched the folder on her chest. "So are you staying?"

I didn't say anything for a moment. Wouldn't you like to know? I wanted to say that but I bit my tongue. I had no right to harass her. Or maybe I did have the right as Damian's wife but I was ashamed. I should feel ashamed for what I did right? I was selfish. I left Damian. I gave him up. I couldn't expect him to just stop his life when I left. I guess it never occurred to me that Damian would get with another woman in my absence. He had always been such a loyal man. I never had my doubts with him. But he had a history with Karen. They went through medical school together. They dated for more than a year. What did they say about having your ex around? Something about old feelings coming back?

"No." I finally said looking down at my feet then looking up again. "I'm only here for the week."

Let her wonder until what day I would be here. God. I was such a child. She'll probably count the hours until I left though. She'll count the hours until I'm gone, the hours until she has Damian by herself. I looked at the desk and the images of the make out session with Damian earlier came flooding through my head.

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