Chapter 22

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Jimin's POV

Our time in the states went by real quick after the incident at the AMA's. Yoongi and I did not exchange one single word and only played the loving and caring groupmates when we had another show appearance or interview. Our silent treatment also influenced the rest of the groups mood. Everyone seemed to be pretty reserved and not as silly and happy as usual.

It was the day we were leaving and I was packing some of the few more things left into my suitcase. My head recovered a little but it now felt totally burned out, almost blank, not able to think about anything related to Yoongi anymore. My body was basically just functioning like a robot. I don't even have any feeling about going back home to Korea, no happiness or sadness, nothing.

Closing up my luggage, I checked the time to see that it was time to go.
My hand grabbed the handle and my feet automatically started walking towards the door, walking out without looking back.

I was standing next to Taehyung. Everyone was already here and ready to leave, except for one person. Looking up, I saw Yoongi walking down the stairs with his suitcase in his hand. Risking to look at his face, I noticed the dark circles around his eyes, how red they were and how pale his already light skintone was. To summarize it, he looked absolutely awful and for the first time in days I felt something again, sadness. Has he been in such a bad state the last days too? I can't tell since I avoided at all costs to look at him or interact with him. I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized that he was looking at me too, catching me starring. My breath hitched at the sensation of his eyes looking straight into my soul. The all so known tingle in my stomach retuned, becoming stronger with every second we kept looking at each other.
Preventing to make this go any further I turned around to face Tae who was already giving me a questioning and also concerned look. I slowly shook my head and mouthed a ‚later' to him.

We drove to the airport and were welcomed by thousands of fans again, waving us goodbye and screaming our names. Walking inside the building and to our gate, I forced out the best smile I could and waved back a few people.
The security escorted us safely to the quiet area.

We sat down and had to wait a few more minutes until we could enter the plane

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We sat down and had to wait a few more minutes until we could enter the plane.

Once we entered the plane, Taehyung sat next to me right away and I silently thanked him for it. Yoongi sat across the aisle next to the window and next to him sat Hobi hyung.

Since I wasn't able to sleep a lot the past nights, I immediately fell fell asleep once we took off.

The next thing I knew was the pilot telling us through the speakers that we are about to land at Incheon Airport. I sleepily looked around and sat up straight again since I slid down in my seat a bit during my slumber. The airplane was slowly going down and when I looked out of my window I could already see Seoul beneath us. It felt good to be back home and a tiny smile crept up on my face.

The landing was smooth and we arrived at the airport. I gathered my phone and hand luggage and stood up after Tae to leave the plane. While walking towards the exit, I realized who was right behind me. Only his gaze could make me feel this way and only his presence could make my body feel hot and cold all at once. My feelings were a chaos when it comes to him and every time he gets close to me, it gets worse. On the one hand I just want to turn around and hug him, be as close as possible to him but on the other hand my body has his own protecting mechanism to keep me from getting even more hurt than he already has. Those two sides are fighting against each other inside of me and so far no one has won.

I don't know for how long I can deal with this anymore.

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