Chapter Seven

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Meek POV

It was 3 am in the morning when I heard someone banging on my door like they lost their fuckin mind I got up and went downstairs with my pistol in my hand

"It's the police open up" oh shit I went upstairs and woke Kayla "when the police come in here and ask you about Nic tell them that she's ya best friend otherwise we gon have a problem" she nodded and went to the basement I went downstairs and opened the door

"WTF y'all doing at my house at 3 fuckin am banging on my door like y'all pay the bills"

"We have a warrant to search this premises" they got inside and they all went different directions I went to my room and sat on a chair they came in my room and searched everywhere

"Did y'all found what y'all looking for?" I asked while smirking


Nicki POV

After the police left Kayla went back to bed and I was sitting in the living room with Meek he was on facetime with some girl

Girl: So when are you coming over?

He looked at me and called me over before answering the girl

Meek: Ain't coming over I'm with my girl

He pulled me to his lap and kissed my cheek

Girl: Oh she's pretty

I can see that she was jealous

Meek: Yeah she a Goddess she pretty as shit

Girl: Okay bye

She hung up and he looked at me and kissed me on my lips

Meek: You okay?

I nodded he started kissing all over me and touching my thighs

Meek: A nigga just wanna fuck the living shit outta you shit you made my dick hard

He took my hand and put it in his pants

Meek: Stroke it

I started stroking it and he groaned honestly it turned me on he started kissing my chest and leaving hickies on my boobs I bit my lip to stop my moans from escaping "let daddy hear you moan" I moaned loudly

"Oh fuck daddy" I moaned I saw Kayla coming down the stairs I quickly took my hand out of Meek's pants

Kayla: What the fuck is happening here Rihmeek?

Meek: Man stop yelling before you give me a migraine

Kayla: Does Omelly know that you're fucking his girlfriend do he?

Meek: What?

Kayla: So y'all share girls now?

Meek: Some like that

Kayla: hey you

Nicki: Me?

Kayla: Yeah pack your bags and get the hell out of my house

Nicki: Excuse me?

Meek: Hey (he yelled) listen Kayla this ain't your house I bought this shit and I pay all the bills so you have no say Nic go to my room

I pushed Kayla out of my way and kissed Meek on the cheek

Kayla POV

Nicki left and it was just me and Rihmeek my husband he came closer to me and slapped me across my face I held my cheek in disbelief

Meek: Don't you ever talk to me or Nicki like that understood?

I nodded

Meek: Now listen carefully this my house and I pay the bills so I can do whatever I want

Kayla: But Me- (gco)

Meek: I said listen to me this is why I cheat on you. You don't respect me you never treat me like a man all you know is just to plant ya ass on the couch and make demands get up and go get a job I'm tired of you

He was now yelling at me and it made me feel small tears started falling and I couldn't control them

Meek: Why is you crying? Get the fuck outta my face

I went upstairs to the guestroom and sat next to Nicki

Kayla: I'm sorry for cursing at you I guess I felt intimidated

Nicki: I intimidate you?

Kayla: Yeah I mean look at you you're smart, you have a beautiful body and you're pretty while me on the other hand I'm fat, I'm ugly and I'm depending too much on Meek I just want him to love me that's all

Nicki: I'm sorry Kayla I really am

She stood up and hugged me


Meek POV

Was chilling with my niggas smoking a blunt

Omelly: Mannn I need me some grown woman pussy these young thots don't know nun

Meek: Shit a nigga hadn't had pussy for 3 days

Chino: Nigga is you gay?

Deen: Where's that jawn that you kidnapped?

Meek: She at home her pussy the best had a nigga nutting in less than 5 minutes

Chino: Nahh you can't handle pussy

Omelly: I told you couz these big ass bitches ain't for you and ya small jammy

Meek: Nigga fuck you you know what I'm out

I got up and went home and found Kayla on the couch half naked I went over to her and kissed her started feeling on her and she stopped me

Kayla: Meek I'm not in the mood for sex

Meek: Aight where's Nicki, has she eaten?

Kayla: Yeah she's taking a shower

I went to the bathroom and found her in the shower singing I took off my clothes and got in behind her

Nicki: What are you doing here?

Meek: I'm here to watch Netflix

Nicki: Are you okay? Your eyes are red

Meek: Don't worry about my eyes let me dig for some gold in your mine (smirking)

Nicki: But Kayla's downstairs

Meek: Don't worry about her babygirl let daddy please you

I entered her

Excuse any errors

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