Chapter 6

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My brain was in over load and I still felt tired from Marcus drinking my blood, so as I was curled into his comfortable manly smelling chest I fell asleep.

Chapter 6

When I woke up I was lay on the sofa by myself, I looked around and the room was empty.

I sat up quickly and the room swam, I steadied my self and eventually my vision cleared, I should really drink some water. I thought to myself.

I saw the shorts and tank top lay on the floor and pulled them on whilst sat down, not trusting myself to stand just yet.

I slowly stood up and headed over to the door, as my hand went to grab the door handle I froze, Marcus had said not to leave the room. I deliberated for a few seconds before deciding my need for water was more important, with that I grabbed the door handle and yanked open the door striding confidently towards the kitchen.

Reaching the kitchen I was glad I hadn’t seen anybody on the way, in the kitchen was the friendly cook from the other day but she was doing something and hadn’t noticed me. I stood there awkwardly shifting from foot to foot; this was her kitchen after all.

After several minutes she turn round and jumped,

“I didn’t hear you come in, gosh you gave me a fright” she said placing her hand over her heart “what can I do for you love” she asked kindly.

“Could I just get a glass of water please” I asked.

 What can I say she was a nice woman and had earned my respect.

“Of course you can honey, now you just sit down and let me get you some breakfast, I bet you haven’t eaten have you” she said her voice scolding.

I shook my head, no and took a seat on one of the tall stools at the breakfasts bar.

She bustled around grabbing this and that and working away quickly. A few minutes later a large glass of cool water with ice was placed in front of me and a plate heaving with a full English breakfasts, I guess they are her speciality, remembering the previous meal she’s cooked me.

I thanked her several times and took a long drink of water, the fog in my brain slowly starting to disappear. My breakfast was divine and left me full to bursting, she really was an excellent cook.

After thanking her and putting my glass and plate in the dishwasher I walked out of the kitchen.

As I started making my way back to Marcus’s room I passed some patio doors, I looked though them and saw a beautiful garden with a whimsical look about it. I tried the door and smiled when it opened easily, stepping outside I breathed in the fresh air and looked around. There was a small path that weaved though the garden before passing under an arch.

I made my way down the path smelling the beautiful exotic flowers the whole way, this place was gorgeous and I bet Marcus took it all for granted.

The grass tickled my bare feet and the wind tousled my hair gently, the flowers sweet fragrance floated around me and I heard bird chirping as they flitted from tree to tree. My spirits lifted, how could they not it such an amazing place.

I felt truly happy for the first time in a long time and as I ran though the arch I raised my arms and span around staring up into the cloudless sky. I let out a carefree laugh before I stumbled and arms wrapped around me.

I froze and turned to look at the owner of the arms that now restricted me, what a surprise Marcus. He had a smirk on his face and his eyes twinkled with humour,

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