Chapter Three

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Diana's POV

Later that night, I was sat in my bedroom. I had absolutely no expression right now. Something that was meant to be the most amazing night of my life turned out to be an utter disaster and I may or may not've just lost my best and only friend. I hadn't yet heard the front door open or close but to be thruthfully honest I didn't care. Right now, I wanted to be alone. I guess I spoke too soon because I heard the front door open and six voices too. Did she really bring them back? My gosh. Well, I know for sure that I'm not leaving this room. Even if it is to see a popular boyband.

Sarah's POV

I walked into the house along with the boys. They wanted to see where I lived so I brought them to my home. Niall looked extremely worried and he looked so guilty after he saw Diana run off. "Niall, she's fine. She's the most brave person I've ever met. She is pissed only at me. None of you guys. I'll go talk to her." I said, attempting to calm Niall down. I however, failed and made him more tense. "Please, make yourseves at home. I'll be in that door there." I said pointing to the door of Diana's bedroom. After the boys sat on the sofa a watched TV I made my way to Diana's room. I opened to door but it wouldn't open. I heard screaming and crying inside. "Di! Open this door now!" I shouted over the top of her screams. She continued to scream so I walked backwards before running forwards at top speed into the door. I was ripped of its hinges and fell to the floor. I took my eyes of the door and brought them to meet with Diana. She was screaming and crying, with an expression of concentration as she sliced open her skin with a razor blade. There was blood everywhere; all over the laminate flooring, all over her, and all over a picture of us both. I screamed out loud and beore I knew it the boys were all stood around me, also witnessing this horrific sight.

Diana's POV

I looked up from my skin and saw six people crying. Sarah wasn't just crying, she was screaming. I abruptly dropped the blade and stepped backwards as the six people walked closer to me. My whole body was warm from the ridiculous amount of blood that poured from my skin. "Stay away." I warned. "Di, come here please." Sarah pleaded. "Know this isn't your fault." I said, ignoring her plea. "Please Diana." Liam said. "You don't know me." I said, looking into his sad, brown eyes. "None of you know me. Why are you even here?" I asked. No-one answered. I walked forward a bit and leaned down. I scooped up the blade and ran backwards. I drew in a shaky breath before I made a cut from the top of my wrist to the middle of my inside elbow. Sarah screamed as I made the cut but I didn't even flinch. I drew the blade up to the top of my other wrist before someone took it out of my hand. "No!" I screamed, crumpling to the floor. I looked up from behind my hair to see Liam stood holding the blade, I lashed out but someone held me firmly in my spot. "Look at me Di." They said. I turned to see the Irish boy staring into my green eyes. "Why?" He asked me, his blue eyes boring into my soul. "Him." I said. He nodded weakly before pulling me into his chest. We stayed there for a few minutes until I realized what was happening. I quickly pulled away and scooted across the floor. "Don't touch me." I hissed, curling up in a ball in a corner of the room. I was trembling in fear and several excruciating pains ran through my body. I was screaming inside but emotionless to the outside world. It wasn't until I was shaken that I was awoken from this trance.

I was being lifted into the air but I couldn't fight as all the energy had drained out of me. I let the person take me to wherever. When I opened my eyes I was in the bathroom. I looked up and saw Sarah hovering over me. "How long was I out?" I asked her, rubbing my head. "Only half an hour. Please, I'm staying with you 24/7 now. As are the boys." She sighed. "Why did you have to get them involved?" I groaned. "I'm sorry but I know you need more friends. Plus you have the hots for Horan." She teased. "Whatever." I grumbled. "Okay then. Let's get you bathed, a cleaned up okay?" She suggested. I nodded. She turned around as I stripped off and got into the tub. When she turned around again her eyes grew wide. "Babe, your so skinny and bruised." She said, shocked.

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