39. To protect you

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It was night. Quite late, perhaps 1 or 2 am. I lay awake in bed rethinking the events of the day. I taught my class and then returned home to see a very excited Naruto.


I opened the front door with Kuro behind me. As soon as it opened the sound of running could be heard. Naruto runs to me, giving me a big hug. "We did it (Y/n)! Sasuke and I passed!", he cheers. I smile and wrap my arms around him. "Good job, I knew you could do it". He lets go and gives me a huge smile. "Can we please go to Ichiraku's", he begs. I smile and nod. I turn to Sasuke and Kuro who are standing watching Naruto and I. "Is that alright with you two?". They both nod. "Ok then, be ready by 6 o'clock and we'll all go to Ichiraku's".

Flashback end

I let out a long sigh and recall our conversations in Ichiraku's.


"I can't wait for tomorrow, we get to start doing missions!", Naruto cheers, happily swinging his legs under his seat. "Do you know what type of things you'll be doing?", I ask. He hesitates before shaking his head. I look to Sasuke for an answer. "Since we're only Genin we'll only get D rank missions, nothing difficult". I nod and begin eating.

"Hey (Y/n)", Naruto calls. I turn my head and look down at the blond boy. "Yes?". "Um I was wondering what your first mission was". I rest my cheek in the palm of my hand and sigh. "Uh it was an A rank mission, an assassination". Naruto's face lit up. "Woah, how did you manage to get a cool mission like that?". I send him a side ways glance. "Naruto there is nothing cool about an assassination", I scold. He nods his head and looks down into his bowl. "Why were you given a mission like that?", he asks, rephrasing his previous question. My voice got caught in my throat as I tried to get out an explanation but Kuro bet me too it. "Because she was set up to fail and be killed", he interrupts. Naruto's face drops and he stares at me as I do nothing. "Did you succeed?". I nod. "The man was a skilled swordsman and had a lot more skill and experience as me. I knew that if I charged in head first I surely would've died but I managed to get passed it and found another way". "How did you do it?", Sasuke asked. "I poisoned him, putting a very poisonous substance in his drink while I disguised myself as maid". The rest of the night was fairly calm and relaxing. Naruto hadn't said anything, he was still quiet.

I put Kuro to bed and was now heading to Naruto's room to say good night. He was sitting on the end of his bed crying. I walk over and take a seat beside him, rubbing his back comfortingly. "Hey what's wrong?", you ask. He looks up at you with his large blue eyes, his bottom lips quivering. "W-why would they do that to you?", he stutters. I sigh and place a kiss on his forehead before giving him a hug. "Don't overthink it, they were horrible people and did very wrong things but you don't need to cry about it. You're strong and you can fight it". I wipe the tears from his cheek and send him a sad smile. "Seeing you cry makes me sad so cheer up, ok?". He shakes his head. "The people here hate me... do you think they would do something like that to me?", he asks. My eyes widen in shock as I quickly shake my head. "No way". "How are you s-so sure?". I sigh and place my hand on top of head, not breaking our gaze. "The Hokage would never let that happen and if that ever did happen then I would protect you with my life, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you boys and if I had to die just to save you then so be it". Naruto looks down at his lap and sighs. "Please don't think about this so much Naruto, look, I'm here and I'm alive. It it weren't for all those things happening to me in my past then I never would've ended up here or meet any of you". There was a moment of silence before Naruto spoke. "Did the people in your village treat you how the people here treat me?", he asks. You nod and bite you lip. "They did, they treated me like a monster. Calling me names and throwing stuff at me, you know that kind of stuff. I couldn't go anywhere without people whispering and laughing behind my back, it was painful but I acted as if I didn't care when in reality I did". Naruto hesitates and opens his mouth to say something before closing it again. "What it it?", you ask. "Never mind". "Go ahead and tell me, I won't judge you for it". He nods and swallows hard before speaking again. "Do you think that people will ever stop looking at me the way they do?", he asks. You smile and nod, ruffling his hair. "Of course, one day they are going to see you as the brave strong person that you are and you're gonna be a hero". "A hero?". "Yup, a hero". Naruto seemed to be in a much better mood now. I leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, good night Naruto". "Good night (Y/n)".

I left the room and closed the door behind me. "Do you really think that?", a voice calls. I freeze in place and turn around to see Sasuke standing behind me. I nod. "Of course I do, do you think I'd lie to him?", I question. He shrugs his shoulders. He begins to walk back to his room but I place my hand on his shoulder before he can leave. "Sasuke... I've noticed that even though I've adopted you that you're still distant from me and the others". He nods and doesn't reply. "Do you not trust me?", you ask. He sighs. "Its not that I just...".  I take a step closer and pull the raven haired boy into a hug. "I just can't replace the mother you already had, I'll never be as good as her but I do try my best for you boys. Please don't push me away". He nods and rests his forehead against my arm. "Hn". You let out a quiet chuckle and ruffle Sasuke's hair before turning away. "You should head to bed soon, you've gotta meet up with your team tomorrow for your first mission". He nods and heads to his room.

Flashback end

Everything has happened so fast and I can just feel something in my gut telling me something bad is going to happen. I just hope that what ever it is... I'll be there to protect them.

Sorry if this was all over the place. Hope you enjoyed though. Right now this story has 25.1k reads and I'd just like to say thank you. This is the third day in a row that I've updated this story...Idk why but I urgently want to reach the next part... y'know what's coming up too right? Well have a nice day. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

The Ice Wielder (Iruka x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя