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Thud thud thud!

A loud knock on the window made me jump up from my seat making me almost lose my control over myself as my first instinct was to push the pedals and speed my car as fast as I possibly could. I was still in a deserted area and a knock on the door could mean anything.

I somehow reluctantly looked around and saw Brandon standing outside the car with his eyes stuck on me.

What is he doing here?

I turned around and saw Lex almost unconscious.

I looked at Brandon and he yelled as I heard his distant voice, "Open the door!"

I looked down and saw the doors looked.

My brain was still processing everything from what Lex told me to what I saw, I still didn't want to believe him but he couldn't lie to me.

I finally opened the lock but before I could open the door or step out Bran immediately opened the door and grabbed me by arm as he pulled me out.

"What the fu...", Before I could speak even complete my cuss, Bran immediately pulled me right into his arms wrapping me in tight hug.

I melted right there and for a moment the warmness of his heart and body smitted me but that didn't make me forget what had happened at the penthouse and what had Lex just told me.

I forced myself to stop from hugging back Brandon, standing still in his brace.

He pulled back and cupped my face his hands yet I kept my gaze down on the road.

"Are you okay?", He asked and I could feel tears forming inside my eyes.

I simply nodded my head, holding myself back from yelling at him still looking down at the ground.

I wanted to scream and yell and tell him no! I wasn't fine. Nothing was okay. I wanted to yell at him for everything he did and tell him how wrong he was for everything he had done to me but I couldn't move even an inch or didn't even find the struggle to tell him how wrong he was. I was tired and I just wanted to be left alone.

"Let's go somewhere and talk?", Brandon offered and for a moment my gaze shifted up at I met his eyes. I saw concern in them. They held the same look like he did when we were together and things were fine between us.

But I had to think. My mind and body both were tired and I wanted to be left alone to think about things that needed to be talked. Nothing was fine around me. I didn't know who to trust and who to turn to talk to.

"I want to go home.", I said through a cracked voice shifting my gaze back down.

Bran lifted my head up yet my eyes didn't meet his, I diverted my gaze and looked at the other side of the road.

"Let me drive you home?", He asked in a low voice.

"I have to get Lex home.", I told him looking inside the car still not meeting his eyes.

I couldn't look at him, because I knew if I did I would fall weak.

"Let me drive you home, please? Dante could take care of Lex.", He felt him gesture someone behind him and Dante appeared.

"You take the car and Lex. You know what to do.", Bran asked Dante who immediately sat inside the car and closed the door right in front of me.

I should've said something or struggled to be let go but I didn't. Again.... I was tired.

"Come... Let me take you home.", Brandon grabbed my hand and took me towards his car opening the passengers door for me. I still didn't look at him and simply sat inside the car.

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