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i know you're all sick to death of me but i just wanted to say, my my my has officially come to a end! i feel happy but also really sad hahaha, i started this like the middle of january and its now march so i'm very pleased with how well received this book was/is!

some important notes;

there will be a sequel! its called 'the good side' and the set out for it will be completely different to this one. basically, it will be split into parts so maybe 5-10 chapters in each part just so it will make sense!

i wanted to also add a few timothée books i read and really love;

bleeding love by @mitzgeraldtrash

mystery of love by chalameets

happy days by @chalametes

superstar by sebsatans

balletomane by gaychalamet

bite by @tchalamett

embrouillé by decadentic

royals by @voidpotter-

true romance by @ohmyhaylee

consequences by NocturnaComplexities

fervent by @sstylesstilinski

ivy by @soairses

bad liar by @spookytoe

ophelia by gaychalamet


thank you to everyone whose read this holy fuck, it means so much to me i genuinely did not think it would make such an impact and i didn't think anyone would get as emotionally invested as i have to these people lol.

i truly try hard to read and respond to everyones messages and comments on my story, i read all of them and from the bottom of my heart, thank you ever so much for the on going support you've all shown me. even when it was to do with me personally, i respected and appreciated all of those messages, i really did.

so thank you, thank you all for coming along to the start of timothée and natalia's story, i can't wait to share more in 'the good side' if you decide to join and read that one. :)

my my my! | t.chalamet ; book 1Where stories live. Discover now