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She stared at her friend's text on her phone. She was not a friend but rather a classmate who was forcing her friendship on Plum.

Jessica: Hey! Plummy bear! I am going to this really cool club tonight and I was thinking if you could come along! We will have so much fun! I will drop you home by 2 or 3 in the night.

Plum's eyes widened when she read the time. She was about to text her back when Arsenio San walked out of the dressing room. He looked ready for his travel tonight. Her mood immediately became morose.

"Baby, I can't take you there, I will be on site and would barely return to the hotel. You have to stay alone sweetheart," he reasoned with her.

Plum's eyes watered but she nodded; she had to be strong enough to stay without him. He had work and he had to look after those commitments as well. Tomorrow he too would understand her commitments when she would travel for her work.

She was thankful that Hector was accompanying Arsenio.

"That's my girl," he said and kissed her forehead, "I will be back as soon as possible."

She nodded and kissed his cheek; she climbed down from the bed and accompanied him to his car. The least she could do was accompany him to the car.

"You don't have to worry about the media and those pictures. My PR team has released a statement taking care of everything," he said and climbed his car. Hector was already sitting inside; he nodded at her and turned away.

Hector had been very cordial to say the least, since the last night. She saw the car drive away and her mood dimmed. She walked inside and towards their office. She had to take her mind off from the emptiness and also the fear that she had to sleep in this creaking and whining house through the night.

She walked inside her office and picked her sketches. She was designing the pieces for her new winter collection. She saw a few invitations on her table and frowned. She opened them and her eyes widened in delight. These were invitations from different fashion houses who had invited her to their shows during the various fashion weeks. She was so lucky! She had never witnessed a live fashion show.

Her friend Jessica on the other hand was called to all fashion shows, she had a successful fashion blog, was a top social media influencer and all of this had already paved a career for her. She had bagged an internship with Maison Valentino this year and had done a summer internship with Bottega last summer. Her career was all set and she was well deserving of it. Jessica came from nothing but had used her hard work and talent and social skills to perform and compete in life. She even had a column in the Vogue magazine. At such a young age, coming from extreme poverty she had already made a name for herself and lived debt free and in the upper west side of Manhattan. Jessica was an inspiration and it wouldn't be surprising if she saw House of Jessica soon while she, Plum, struggled to say a few words.

Plum gulped back the humiliation and her incompetency and focussed on her design. Jessica was genuine and on more than one occasion she had critiqued Plum's collection, despite Plum's refusal. Plum knew Jessica wanted to be her friend but she didn't. She was too jealous of the girl to be her friend.

Jessica: Hey! So what say? Will you be coming? I will pick and drop you.

Plum gulped, she could see her failed career in front of her eyes, and maybe she could learn a thing or two from Jessica. And maybe if she went then she would spend slightly less time at the house alone.

Plum: Thank you Ms Jessica. I will definitely come with you. My address: 879, Fifth avenue. (A/N: I totally made that address up. I know there is a fifth avenue but not sure if that particular house no. exists.)

Plum {SUITS #1}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum