Chapter 6

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"What's Jo doing here?"

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"What's Jo doing here?"

Confusion momentarily filled Jack's features before understanding settled in. "You mean Joelle?" he asked, motioning to where she stood, talking to his fiancée. I nodded, figuring she went by her nickname most of the time. "Her and Aimee live together and they've been friends for years. They're practically sisters."

I didn't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that.

"Why man?"

I shrugged, attempting to contain my interest. "She works at a pub near the arena my brother and sister-in-law introduced me to and I've run into her a few times."

"Apollo's, right?" Jack asked, and though it was apparent he already knew the answer, I nodded. "Yeah, that's her."

Sitting on my other side, Schmidt chimed in. "Sometimes, when we stop in after weekday games, she'll give us a deal on drinks if it isn't too busy." He clapped me on the shoulder. "So maybe you'll be able to get in on the deal now too."

I chuckled. "I wasn't really worried about the drink prices."

"No?" He lifted a brow, a lazy smile curving his lips. "Then were you worried about her not being interested now that she knows you're a Knight? Cause man, I swear, half the team has tried to score a date with her, but none of us have succeeded."

While the words may have been a ploy to rattle me as I glanced across the room, they didn't succeed.

Jo stood there, wearing a long sleeved blue dress that fit tightly across her chest and accentuated her curves before flaring out at the waist. It tapered off at mid-thigh, and the killer pair of heels she wore did wonders to highlight her legs. With her hair curled and makeup done, there was no denying she looked amazing, but she'd completely transformed the woman I'd grown accustomed to seeing behind the bar.

With her bottom lip pulled between her teeth, her gaze flickered my way and our eyes met for only a moment before she looked away.

"Actually, I'm not worried about that either."

Jack raised an eyebrow. "You're interested in her?"

The obvious answer was yes, I was. She was attractive, whether dressed down or dressed up, and from the short conversations we'd shared, I knew she was witty and easygoing. But other than what was on the surface, I didn't know all that much about her.

I didn't even know if she was single. Though given she was here alone and Jack hadn't mentioned anything about her being otherwise unavailable, I was hopeful she was unattached.

On the other hand, there was a reason I'd hadn't been in a relationship the last couple of years. I was focused on hockey, improving every day, and I never had time for anything more. There'd been women, sure, but I'd always been upfront from the get go that I wasn't looking for something serious.

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