8 - Because of You

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It was a dreary, cloudy day. The forecast had been threatening rain but the first drop hadn't officially fallen yet. Niall didn't have to work today. Neither did Sammie. So they had planned in advance to go watch a movie together and then eat dinner. On the way to the movie theater, they started to discuss Niall and how he had confessed to Liam the night before. It turned out that talking about it only made him emotional all over again. And even though they had long arrived at the movie theater, Sammie didn't have the heart to interrupt him. Therefore, they were sat in the front seat of her car, listening to him blather on about last night.

"After that, he held me close all night and intentionally rubbed my back." Niall sniffled and wiped his eyes with tissue. The paper was so full of tears that it was starting to crumble in his hand. "And he kept telling me he loved me over and over again."

Sammie nodded. "That's sweet of him."

"Then we went to sleep together and it was the first time I slept with my shirt off since we moved into the same bedroom. He's never seen me with my shirt off, Sam. Not even accidentally because you know I was very careful not to let that happen. But he saw me last night."

"That's so wonderful."

"And then this morning when we woke up, he made me coffee and brought it in the room to me before he went out for work. Then he kissed me and made it a point to call me beautiful all over. He called me beautiful all over, Sam."

Sammie chuckled. "Because you are, Niall. And hey."


"Listening to you explain this makes me incredibly happy. Because what you went through was traumatic. You lost your home and your family all in one night. You had to go through rehab when Greg burned you and you had to go through therapy all the way up until you were an adult. Things have not come easy for you. So you know what? You deserve something good for a change. And I'm so proud that you're finally getting it. You know I am."

He nodded. "You were right too."

"About what?"

"About Liam. I sort of knew then that you were right. But I was still skeptical of the unknown. 'Cause when things are going good, it's easier for everything to stay constant... However, you can't absolutely say that when things change, that a person won't also change. I've seen it happen to other people. Now I'm not saying that I ever thought Liam wasn't a good man. I just didn't know Liam was this good of a man. Now I do."

"He loves you unconditionally. That's the best kind of love to give. To be honest, I need to find me someone like him. That's a rarity these days."

Niall smiled. "I'm sure they're out there."

"Mostly in the movies."

"Not if you're patient." But then he gasped and looked at the clock. "Oh no! Speaking of the movies, I've been talking about this so long we missed the beginning of the movie. Wait... No. We actually missed about thirty minutes of it. I'm sorry, Sam."

She put a hand on his shoulder and shook her head. She could never make him feel guilty about being happy about finally gaining enough courage to tell his boyfriend the truth. "No, it's okay. We can come back next week. It'll still be in theaters."

"You're sure? Because we planned this ahead of time."

"Yes. I'm sure. I think this should be your time anyway. You just took a big step with Liam. This is good."


"Yes. How about we just go over there to the little fast food joint across the street and get pretzels dipped in nacho cheese instead? A mini snack before dinner."

Niall seemed to forget he felt guilty when he heard that offer. "Mmm. That sounds delicious."

"Oh, wait. Nope."


"I don't think they serve coffee there."

He chuckled and waved a hand at her. "That's okay. I don't need any coffee. Liam made me a cup this morning so I think I'll be okay."

She gasped dramatically and put her hand on her hip. "Who are you and what have you done with the real Niall? Because the real Niall would never turn down a cup of coffee."

He chuckled and sighed happily. "Today is just a good day. Last night I slept better than I've slept in a long time. So I don't even need anything extra to wake me up today. Feels good too."

She looked solicitously at him then finally her expression settled into a soft smile. "I'm so happy for you, Niall. I think you've just discovered a new confidence about yourself that you never had before."

He pat her leg and mirrored her smile. "Because of you, Sam. I could never have told him the truth without you encouraging me to. You're a great friend. And I'm so damn lucky to have you."

That made her soft inside. "Aw, Niall. I'd do anything for you. You know that. Best friends forever. That's what we are. And best friends look out for each other. So I'll look after you just like I know you'd do the same for me."

He nodded and after that, they shared a mutual silence. If he ever had any doubt about her advice, that was all diminished now. His life was finally back on track again. And he owed so much thanks to her.

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