Chapter Twelve

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   "I hope you know Lawrence is in love with you."

   Madeline snorted. She combed through her blonde hair with conditioner, working out the knots. "And why would that be?"

   "When he saw those charts and map, I swear he was going to orgasm right then and there." Emerson said, his amusement echoing through the bathroom.

   She laughed while she washed out her hair but then had to close her mouth to avoid getting soap in it. She shut off the shower and grabbed the towel hauled over the glass door. She wrapped it around her body and stepped out. She walked into the closet and put on some pajamas shorts and soft t-shirt

   When she walked out, Emerson was undressing for the shower.

   Madeline glanced at him through the mirror as she was braiding her hair. "Emerson, I-I'm sorry about the fight earlier. I overstepped your boundaries. So, I'm sorry."

   The shower switched off and Emerson joined her side with nothing but a towel on. "You did, big ones. Don't do it again, for your safety. If the wrong person hears you may find yourself six feet under."

   She glanced at him and nodded. That was fine then. She would leave him alone as long as he left her alone.

   Madeline sighed and looked at him as he came back into the bathroom with shorts on. "Where do you want me to sleep? If you're not comfortable, I can sleep in the other bedroom. I don't mind."

   He rolled his eyes and she glared at him through the mirror. "Madeline, you're my mate now. And even if I don't want you with me, my wolf would drive me insane until I had you in my arms. So you're staying with me. Your things have already been moved into m-our room."

   She nodded. Yes, she understood the wolf thing. Her wolf had been driving her crazy all day when they were apart. And her hormones were crazing. Every time she saw him she wanted to jump his bones. She had to concentrate to not jump on him at the meeting.

   Madeline swallowed and walked to their bedroom. She looked around and noted how dull it looked. "I get to redecorate, well, decorate, right? Because it's so bare I feel like I'm in an asylum."

   She heard his snort. "Knock yourself out, just don't make it unbearable."

  She rolled her eyes. "I'm twenty-three, not three. I'm not going to use princess wallpaper and put up a pink canopy."

   He leveled a glare at her.

   "I promise I won't go overboard." She held her hands up in mock surrender.

   He glared more at her.

   Madeline looked down at the bed. "Which side you want?"


   Madeline grabbed the book she was currently reading and sat on the left side. She arranged her pillows so that she could sit against the head board comfortably. She crossed her legs and opened her book.

   She lifted her eyes from her book to watch Emerson as he walked from the closet, now dressed in sweat pants, and turned off the light. She switched on the lamp beside her and continued reading.

   She had gotten through a couple chapters before putting a bookmark in and closing the book. She set it on the bedside and turned off the light. She got under the covers, turning on her side. She tensed slightly as an arm slung over her and tucked her in against his warm body. Emerson just gently rubbed her back until she relaxed. But as she fell asleep, she couldn't help but feel guilty.

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