Chapter Five

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"Ms. Felicity, your food is getting cold."

I heard Melinda says softly behind me. I don't know what the time is but this was the third time she'd been back from my room and all the food that she'd brought since last night had been left untouched.

I glance at her sideways, making sure the other side of my face is kept hidden from her view.

"I'm sorry, Melinda but I'm not yet hungry."

She took a step forward and I tensed. "But Ms. Felicity, you're going to be sick if you—"

"Please. Just leave me alone." I say dismissively and I had to stop myself from cringing. Both from the pain and the way I just talk to her. Melinda have been with our family since I was a little kid and although I grew up close with her, I don't want her to find out what my father has been doing to me. I'm just glad she wasn't here yesterday to see what happen.

She let out a deep sigh. "Alright. But if you need anything else, you let me know okay?"

I nod my head and I feel her watch me for a moment before stepping out and closing the door. I finally let the tears fall and cried myself to sleep, hoping that this nightmare would be over soon.


I jerked awake with a start. Something was wrong. It seemed like only a few minutes ago had passed when I fell asleep but it was already dark outside. I sit up, my heart pounding in my chest. Suddenly, I heard muffled voices and loud footsteps coming from the hallway but before I could move, my door burst open.

I barely stifled my scream when I saw my father walks in with three other men in tow.
The strangers were all build like a brick with leering eyes but the man in the middle stood out from the others because of the big scar covering half of his face.

"So this must be Felicity," He step forward and towered over me. I grip the sheet with both hands trying to cover myself as much as possible, my body began to shake.

My father grin devilishly. "Romano, you have my word that she's still innocent. Felicity have been always a shy little thing just like her mother." He says to the man in a voice full of disdain and I stare at him in shock.

"Dad? What is happening?" I choked out but he ignores me as he laughs along with them and my mind swirl with confusion and fear.

I yelp when the man whose name is Romano reach out and yank on my hair making me sit upward. The sheet falls down, showing off the thin sleep shirt that I've been wearing. It barely covers my legs and I closed my eyes when I heard their loud intake of breath. A loud whimper escape my lips when I felt his rough hand run against the side of my tear streak face. N-no this can't be happening!

"Please stop.." I beg as I tried to get away from his grip.

"You and I my dear are going to have so much fun." He whispered in my face and I recoiled when I felt the faintest touch of his lips against my cheek. He snickered and step away but keep a tight hold on my arm, then he turned to my father.

"The money has been transfered and I already assigned some men for you."

I watch in utter horror as my father grin widely. "Go ahead, then. She's all yours."

"No Dad! You can't do this!" I scream as Romano began to drag me away from the bed.

He rolled his eyes at me and wave his hand dismissively. "Get over it, Felicity. Be grateful because my friend here is a very wealthy and powerful man. He'll take such good care of you."
Romano laughs and look at me wickedly. "Oh, that I would." Then he hands me over to his two men standing behind him whose both licking their lips suggestively.

They step forward and when I saw the open door, I act without thinking, and bolted towards it running as fast as my feet can.

"Get her!" I heard Romano shouted.

I made it to the front door and yank the door open but came to a stop when I saw several men waiting outside. They jump to their feet when they saw me and I dash to the side, running towards the garden that would lead me to the forest. I let out a whimper when I feel the the pricks of fallen leaves and rocks under my feet but I refuse to let it slow me down. They can't find me in the forest, I knew all the hidden trails there. Come on, Felicity!

Just as I reach the end of the garden a loud shot of a gunfire echoed above me, making my body froze in an instant.

"Move and I'll kill you, sweetheart." Romano shouted and I know without a doubt that he would.

Within seconds, several arms envelope me and lifts me to the ground. I scream and trash against their hold but it's useless as they grip my arms and began to drag me back.
They stopped in front of Romano and I watch him through blurred eyes as he shake his head at me.

"Tsk tsk you shouldn't do that. You don't want to see me mad, sweetheart." He reach out and wipe the tears from my face and I flinch away.
His eyes darkened and I brace myself for the hit but it didn't come.

"Get her in the car."

"No! No please!" I cried out as they half carried me towards the awaiting car.
They shoved me inside a black tinted car and I scramble to my feet trying to get out but the muzzle of a gun against my forehead quickly stop me.
Romano saw the fear in my eyes and smiled as he settled in beside me.
"It's best if you behave."

"You're disgusting!" I growl at him.

He laughs, his marred face crinkling to the side.
"I am and so is your father. He's the one who approach me, anyway. I was just actually helping him from his problems."

Tears spilled in my eyes as to what happened tonight finally sinks in. My father sold me for money as if I was some kind object for bargain.
I look at him and was about to ask what does he mean about helping my father, when suddenly the car swerved, throwing me to the side. The impact made me a little disoriented for a moment and I look around in confuse. Shouts of panic was coming from all around me and distinct sounds of gunfires up above.
Romano let out a loud growl a few feet from me.

"What the fuck is that?!"

"Sir, there's too many of them," the guy on the passenger seat says hurriedly and I watch in horror as he open his window and began firing behind us.

Romano turn his murderous glare at me. "This is your fucking fault!"

It happened so fast. His arm reach back and slam against me I hadn't have enough time to move away. My body was thrown against the door, making the air leave my lungs as pain explodes all over me. My vision starts to blur and there's a searing ache coming in the side of my head. The chaos outside continues and I think I've heard a familiar voice.
I tried to stay awake but the moment I closed my eyes, the blackness envelops me.

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