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But after a while of this abysmal existence, something genuinely good finally happened to the countess of Karnstein.

"We received word from Baron Vordenberg that his son would like to court you!" Jusztina declared, sounding happy for the first time in ages.

"A suitor?" Mircalla looked stunned and flattered. A suitor at last! Her past few lovers had simply been affairs, but this was the first men to actively call on her rather than waiting for her to drag him up from the dumps.

"Will he visit any time soon?" Mircalla asked.

"He and the baron should be here within the next few days," Ferenc answered and Mircalla gave an almost girlish giggle. Maybe her hardened heart wasn't as hard as it seemed... But for once, Ferenc was also happy enough that he did not feel the need to chide Mircalla. At least not right now.

Three days later, a charming young man with a round and stubby father entered the Karnstein castle.

"Ah! Barons Hans and Cornelius!" Ferenc greeted the Vordenbergs.

"Count Ferenc!" they responded happily. The older baron clapped Ferenc in a hug while the younger bowed politely.

"Countess Jusztina!" Hans turned to Jusztina and smiled warmly.

"Baron Hans," she nodded politely.

"Fine lad!" Ferenc nodded approvingly as he looked at Cornelius. "You have come to court my daughter?"

"Yes, sir," Cornelius replied softly. He was only a bit older than Mircalla.

"She is waiting in the main hall," Ferenc responded, then he and his wife led the Vordenbergs inside.

Mircalla and Cornelius became very close very fast. She found him charming and he found her enticing. For the first time in almost a year, Mircalla was truly happy.

"You enjoy reading?" Cornelius asked, watching the beautiful young countess study her manuscript closely.

"Yes," Mircalla responded. "It's the only thing that keeps me from going mad sometimes."

"Mad?" Cornelius looked concerned and Mircalla chuckled affectionately.

"It is only my Papa. He can be a little... overbearing. Sometimes, these books are my only friends," she confessed.

"Oh. I know the feeling well," Cornelius looked at Mircalla sadly.

"Do you?" she asked in surprise, looking away from her book.

"Yes," Cornelius said. "I have four brothers, two older and one younger. They all have married off and made names for themselves. I still live at home with my father," he explained. He didn't need to say more for Mircalla to understand. Doubtless, he felt that books were better company than anything or anyone else, because his brothers would bully him for being such a baby while his father, as well-meant as he was, was a little... daft.

"Do not worry," Mircalla said. "I have six older sisters, all of whom have left Karnstein. I am the only one left and I fear it shall always be so."

"Well perhaps I will stay," Cornelius replied smoothly and Mircalla knew she was in love.

Love. What a strange thing. After a bit over a year being the countess of Karnstein, Mircalla had almost forgotten what that was. She certainly never received any from her father, or the lowly servants of the castle. And as much as her mother tried, it was not enough. It was not what she was looking for. But no other visitor ever made any attempt to stay or return after a first trip. Mircalla didn't count her various trysts either, because that was purely physical.

With Cornelius, however, she felt a true affection. Mircalla genuinely liked this Vordenberg boy and she decided that meeting him was one of the best things to happen to her in quite a while. Cornelius felt the same, having been a moderate and plain boy his whole life, but Mircalla was amazing and gorgeous and she made him feel special. It was something new and exciting and he so was glad he got to share it with her.

"Perhaps you can be my baroness!" the boy joked.

"Baroness Karnstein," Mircalla grinned dryly. "Perhaps you can be my count. I quite liked my old title."

"You're right," Cornelius grinned. "Countess Karnstein sounds better."

"But perhaps for you, I could be a baroness," Mircalla answered next and Cornelius began to blush hotly.

So for a few happy months, Mircalla and Cornelius grew ever closer until it seemed official. Ferenc and Hans had pretty much already married them off, having made wedding plans and house arrangements that Cornelius would move in with Mircalla and both would continue the Karnstein line, but now the lovers in question were starting to consider it too.

"Excellent!" Ferenc smiled darkly as the dowry was finished. "My daughter will be a married and proper countess before her 18th birthday!"

"Excellent indeed!" Hans replied, though his joy was a bit more genuine. He was truly glad that his son was getting married and rising through the ranks. Besides, Mircalla was a beautiful, friendly, clever girl. What more could any man ask for in a daughter in law? So the deal was set. All that remained was for Cornelius to actually propose. Cornelius, however, insisted that they wait just a bit longer.

For the fathers, the wait was terrible. Ferenc wanted Mircalla off producing heirs at once, and even Hans was keen on seeing his youngest being married off. But the lovers would not be rushed. By why not? Well, it was because of love. Love was strange and nobody understood it. Cornelius didn't even know why he was waiting. He just knew that it felt right. He didn't want to rush things with Mircalla. Instead, he wanted to take it slow, perhaps to show her that he could be patient and she, herself, was in no rush either.

"Usually, Papa says I'm impatient, indulgent, impulsive and impotent," she confessed. "But with you, I feel calm. Serene, even!"

"Perhaps, love, it is because your Papa is a doddering old sot," Cornelius suggested with a smirk.

"Don't!" Mircalla swatted his arm, but was laughing, showing off a side of her nobody else had seen since her early days.

"Be glad I am not going to wait too very long to ask," Cornelius replied with a wink.

"Don't worry, love, the way I see it, you already have," Mircalla grinned seductively and Cornelius' boyish eyes lit up at the implications. It was not their first time, but it was no less enjoyable now than any other time before.

So time passed and the two royal children grew ever closer and Mircalla's ability to love slowly returned to her. She suddenly became blind and deaf to her fathers and mother, intent only upon keeping Cornelius close. As far as she was concerned, he belonged to her. She never thought of her sisters anymore. She was happy with this Vordenberg boy, whether she'd be his baroness or countess. With a good companion like him by her side, what more could she ever need or want?

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