Part 2. The Vampire's Maid

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Who made the cover for me : )

The car journey stretched out in uncomfortable silence. It went against my natural instincts to tear my eyes away from Goliath but I couldn't continue to stare into his milky, grey irises instead I allowed my eyes to flit around the car's luxurious interior. I did not take time to admire the black leather seats or retractable roof. I was searching desperately for an escape route. The door was simply too far away to reach and Goliath was staring at me too intently for me to attempt to edge towards it.

There was only one other man in the car. He sat in the driver's seat and his capped head remained still. The only parts of his body that moved were his hands. He frequently turned the steering wheel left and right and although the windows were blacked out I assumed that we were travelling along a winding road.

"There's no point trying to escape," Goliath's slimy voice whispered in my ear.

I jumped in alarm at his close proximity. He'd moved at a seemingly impossible speed to sit beside me rather than opposite.

"Who are you?" I blurted out incredulously, unable to hold the question in.

"I have already told you that Elizabeth. Perhaps your memory has been affected by the shock."

He placed his rough hand on my shoulder as if he was playing the role of a concerned father. I tense at his touch and glared at the seat which he had previously occupied, imagining that he was still sitting in it.

"I meant what are you?" I corrected myself, putting emphasis on the 'what'.

Since the moment eleven of them had so carelessly slaughtered my village I'd been arriving at the conclusion that they couldn't be human. It was a ridiculous, verging on impossible, idea but there was simply no other explanation.

Goliath chortled. His laugh was cold and hard like his skin.

"She wishes to know what we are, Dane." He sounded amused at the idea.

I turned quickly to the person - or non human- that Goliath had addressed. The figure at the steering wheel turned his head to face me and I stifled a gasp. I' thought that Goliath's skin was as pale as it was possible to be but Dane's flesh was so translucent that blue and red veins were visible beneath it. These veins were clustered more densely around his deep haunted eye sockets. His skin was plastered so closely to his skull that he looked barely alive. How could he still be living? As I stared at him his mouth spread into a wide grin and his face contorted until it resembled a Halloween mask. I realised that the wheezing sound coming from his throat was laughter.

"You will find out what we are in good time, I assure you." Goliath spoke once more and the grin had faded swiftly from his face.

He had virtually admitted that they weren't human and I didn't need any more proof than Dane's face. My thoughts were chasing each other around in terrifying loops.

Eventually the sound of gravel beneath the car's tyres roused me from my disturbing day dreams. Dread sunk in my stomach as I thought of what lay ahead. Dane cut the engine and the sudden quiet was broken by the doors opening from the outside.

"Out." Goliath ordered.

Reluctantly, I clambered clumsily from the car and was greeted by a chill that hung heavily in the winter air. The man who had opened the door for us was clearly human as was obvious from the light tan on his face. However, even he looked pale in the dark night. He was dressed in a white shirt and black waistcoat and the stern look on his face matched his smart attire. His blue eyes widened when he saw me and he let a flicker of emotion cross his face. Very quickly he brought his right hand to his mouth and touched the tip of his incisor tooth. I blinked as Goliath's presence appeared behind me and the young man's face was once again a blank, serious mask. The man tipped his head respectfully at Goliath.

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