Author's Note

4.6K 98 14

I am pleased to introduce you to an excerpt of the final version of THE SHADOW WATCH.

This book has had an incredible run, and I owe a big thanks to the wonderful readers here on Wattpad. I posted the first chapter of the first draft two years ago (nearly to the day). It received no fanfare.

But I kept posting. I still remember the first 2K reads, and then 10K, and so on. Over the course of seven months, I completed the novel, posting regularly until it was finished. During that time, the story accrued many wonderful readers, and once the book was finished, it really began to take off on this site. Two years later, as I am taking the old draft down, it sits at over 800K reads. The whole experience was incredible, and it gave me the confidence to pursue publication.

The final draft has changed in many ways from the old draft on Wattpad. Names were changed to fit world building, backstories were altered as I discovered more about the characters in rewrites, some minor characters were cut and added to better tell the story. But in many ways little has changed. During rounds and rounds of edits, the heart of the story remains the same: a slave girl who defies an empire with her magic, a boy whose rage twists him into a servant of the enemy, a Watcher who must choose between love and betrayal.

Due to Amazon's restrictions for its Kindle Select program, I am only able to post the first 10% of the novel here on Wattpad.

I hope you'll consider heading over to Amazon and supporting this story on its journey beyond Wattpad (you can find it here: ).

But whether, you follow the series into its future in publication or not, I would like to extend an immense thanks for your enthusiasm, support, and encouragement. It is entirely possible I would never have finished this book had I not posted it here first, and Wattpad readers will always hold a special place in my heart.

Enjoy the excerpt!

And thanks for reading!

All the Best,

S.A. Klopfenstein


© Stephen Klopfenstein 2018

The Shadow Watch (excerpt of the published novel)Where stories live. Discover now