Chapter 9

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Harry pov: I couldn’t help but stare at Ashton’s kitten costume for Halloween. Greg and Denise had brought Theo into London for his first Halloween. He was dressed as a pumpkin and I’d be lying if I said he didn’t look adorable. Ashton stood with Theo in her arms giggling. “Who gets your candy?” She asked in a baby voice. “Do I? Is it me? Hmm?” She giggled. She caught me staring and blushed. She walked over to me. “Harry doesn’t have a costume, huh Theo? Stinky boy, yeah?” She cooed tickling his stomach. I laughed. “Ready to go get come candy?” She asked excitedly. “Go with mummy.” Ashton handed Theo off to Denise. The boys and I planned on scaring people then revealing ourselves. We got our masks on and Ashton sat with a big bowl of candy on the porch. Obviously we could not be at home because we dont want fans finding out where we live. She was on her phone when we all came out of the house so she didn’t notice us. We screamed and her phone went flying into the air as she screamed in fear. We all laughed but Zayn gasped when her phone landed on his shoe. “You’re lucky it didn’t break.” Ashton said in an annoyed tone. We laughed again and Zayn handed Ashton her phone. We got in line on the path that led to Ashton on different sides of it standing still. First came a little girl in a princess costume. Niall jumped out making her scream. He took his mask off and she gasped. Then all of us took our masks off. Coming off the porch was something we all built together. It was black and it covered us so not everyone would see who was inside of it. We got a picture with the little girl and she got her candy promising not to tell anyone. Halfway through the night we decided to quit. Too many people were finding out about us so the scaring wasn’t any fun. I changed my clothes and put a different mask on to walk around with Ashton. I held her hand through a few small haunted houses. Her tight pants which I think she called leggings were attracting attention. I walked a tad behind her, wanting to follow wherever she wanted to go. My eyes flashed over when a man stuck his hand out and neared Ashton. I grabbed his wrist and shoved him away. I walked directly behind Ashton now, holding her hand so nobody got a sight and everyone knew she was with me. Her phone rang and I watched as she answered it. “Sure. Okay. Given us ten minutes. Bye.” She hung up and handed me her phone to hold. “Niall and the boys want us to go to a haunted house. I told them we’d go.” I nodded and we began walking back. We got to a large building that people were running out of. Screams could be heard all the way out in the parking lot. Ashton was tense, her body stiff. “Are you nervous?” I asked with a smile. She nodded. She screamed and used me as a shield when a man with a zombie mask came over and pulled the chainsaw on her. I would be lying if I said he didn’t startle me. When he left the grip on my shirt loosened and she sighed in relief. All the boys started laughing at Ashton. She pouted and then started smiling. Suddenly all five of us were screaming, all but Ashton. “Not so funny now, huh?” She asked when another man came to scare us. It was finally time to go into the haunted house. Being the lovely jerk I am I stood behind all the boys with Ashton on the end. “Oh no way, Styles.” She said squeezing between me and Liam. We slowly entered and clowns were screaming at us. My hands were on Ashton’s waist. Her nose was pressed against Liam’s back with her eyes squeezed shut. It was definitely scary. Then we came to a dimly lighted room. “This is the best part.” He spoke in a soft voice that creeped me out. “You, pretty lassie, come up in the front of the line.” He pointed to Ashton who shook her head. “It’s part of the fun, love. You’ll love it.” He smiled. She slowly walked to the front of the line. “Are you scared?” He asked her. She didn’t reply or even shake her head. “Go on.” He flashed a wicked smile and she slowly began walking. We entered another room and the first thing I heard was Ashton screaming. When we finally made it out a few tears had escaped Ashton’s eyes. “Christ that was terrifying…” She said out of breath. Niall hugged her and tried not to laugh. She walked over to me and I wrapped my arm around her waist. “Haunted hayride?” Zayn suggested. “It can’t be that bad.” I said to Ashton. She nodded. As we were walking I heard someone approach us. The chainsaw went off and he screamed. Ashton spun around with her foot in the air. It was like a scene from a movie, honestly. It was a perfect kick to the face. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry!” She said covering her mouth. He just nodded and kept a hand over the spot where her foot connected with her face. “Ashton how the..?” Liam wondered out loud. “When she was like thirteen she was in karate and stuff.” Niall said. “Alrighty then. Hayride lets go.” We rushed to the hayride to get seats in the middle. Ashton sat between Niall and I. The tractor went super slow, telling a story that not even Ashton was scared by. A few things jumped out here and there but it wasn’t bad at all. We finally made it back to the car. “Just so you know, I hate all of you.” Ashton said making all of us laugh. Ashton pov: They dropped me off at my house and I went in to get changed. I just stripped to my underwear and bra and laid on my bed. I turned the tv on and skimmed through channels. Tomorrow I get to go to Cheshire for a shoot. I set my alarm for five in the morning and found texts from Harry. “Have fun tomorrow bub.” He sent. I smiled. “Thank you, I will. Have fun in the studio for three days in a row without meeee :)” I wrote back. After five minutes of texting he called me. “Hello.” “Hi baby.” I blushed. “What are you calling for?” I asked. “Just wanted to hear your voice before I go to bed.” I felt myself blush again. I told Harry where my hotel was located. “That’s near my mums house!” “Really? That’s cool. Hey, I’ll never get up if I don’t go to bed. I’ll text you in the morning even if you’re not up okay?” I asked smiling. “Sounds good. I love you.” He said. “I love you too.” “Night bub.” “Night Harry.”

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