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" I'm so tired!"

I walked out my bathroom and laughed. Will was laying on my bed.

" Shouldn't have drunk on a school night."

He put the pillow over his face and groaned.

" Where's Mia?"

I shrugged, " She left remember."

He sat up, " Your telling me that she is walking around all fine when she got more drunk than me?"

I nodded, " With Nicks help of course."

" Well I'm going to go get some clothes."

" Okay."

He stood up and walked in my closet and start looking around," What should I wear? Bad ass or chic?"

Mia and Will both have clothes here, I mean you wouldn't be best friends if you guys didn't have clothes at each other's house.

" Bad ass!"

He laughed, " Good choice."


I was putting books in my locker when I saw
Hunter walking towards me well the class next to me.

I don't want to talk about last night with him, I mean there isn't really thing to say. We were at a party and he kissed a girl, no big deal.

But why do I feel something more?

Your jealous!

I shook my head and closed my locker.

" Hello Lilyanna."

I looked at him and he looks tired.

" Hi."

" Did you enjoy the party?"

I think he realized what he said because he groaned.

I shrugged, " It was fine but I should get going."

He nodded, " Alright talk to you later?"

" Sure."


After school I went straight home so I can get ready for the date with Connor. I went to my room and found some blue jeans and a jersey shirt it wasn't Lakers but who cares.

I grabbed the jersey Nick let me borrowed for Connor.I put it in my book bag and walked out my room.

I texted Connor and told him I was on his way and he send me his address.

" I'm leaving!"

" No one cares!"

" Nick, your going to care since I'm taking the car!"

He ran up to me, " What?!"

I smirked, " Yup."

He shook his head, " I'm taking Mia on a date."

" And I'm taking Connor, I said this a week ago."

He groaned, " What am I supposed to take her in?"

" Mom and dads car."

" They are out."

I nodded, " The work car."

He pushed me outside and closed the door.

" Hey!"

He opened the curtains and gave me the finger.

I laughed and went into the car, I start honking it, to get on his nerves.

Possessive Much ?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن