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It's a warm, sunny morning in Bumbaclart Town. Birds are chirping, and trees are blowing in the wind.

Steven Ogg lays in his bed, naked, listening to the beautiful chirping coming from outside.


Sex noises and loud banging, crying, screaming comes from upstairs.

(Steven ogg pov now, Ik its unprofessional to change POV during a story but fuck the police)

I put my pillow over my head and scream.
All I can hear is "HELP! STOP!"
That woman is such a slag, I kinda want her but you know. I'm into younger kids 😋

My alarm goes off, I let out a quick nut to the noise of my neighbour getting abused and raped then I get out of bed.

I put on my shit riddled boxers and get dressed. I comb the very little hair i have on my flea infested head and shave my disgusting beard.

I look kinda sexy.

I whack out my ipod and put my  big ass noise cancelling headphones on. I press play on an absolute BANGING and RELATABLE song.

AYY, ALL THE SINGLE LADIES! i shake my tootsie roll and head outside. The reason this song hits home is because i, steven ogg am a single lady.. uwu xd

Beyonce is one thicc skinny legend omg ! shes that illuminati bitch init ?

ANYWAY. i dance my way to Bumbaclart School, where i work.

Many people threw trash at me on the way.. OBVS bc they're jealous of my ass.

I arrvie at the main plot of land teenagers tend to target school shootings at. YAY!

END OF PART 1. yes these are gonna be short bc im a lazy mcfag

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