Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Luca's POV:

Katie started to walk towards her grandparent's house, since it was about a block away, but then suddenly I heard wiping sound, as if someone was throwing something, then she faint.

I got to her side and caught her before she could fell headfirst onto the ground, a metal and salty stink overwhelmed my nose, making me want to scratch off my nose and run away from the smell. I looked at Katie and saw that a blood was trickling on the side of her head.... well now I know where the stink comes from.

I quickly checked my surrounding, listening and using my senses; I could feel the hairs on my back rise. I held Katie in my arms bridle style and teleported us to her room, and lay her on her bed. Luckily, for us her family was having dinner downstairs so they wouldn't be coming up here soon.

'Marco, get your ass in Katie's room now!' I sent a mental message to him, since Marco is the leader of the tiger pack, he can get any mental message from anyone of us vampires and weres. Even though his human and can't shift into a tiger, they all regard him as leader, and the only people that know his human are the vampires, who mean no harm to any soul.

I started pacing in Katie's room, whatever hit her must have been hard, causing unconsciousness so fast, and I think I know who did that.... I couldn't help but pace faster... If they get her and kill her or use her blood the whole vampire population is in danger of being extinct.

I stopped pacing and looked at Katie, looking peace in her slumber... this girl might be our salvation.... but she will be the end of-

"What happened?" Marco said bursting into the room, making me lose my trail of thought.

'Oh no!' Marco thought when he saw Katie lying in bed.

"Marco, listen to me. She's fine but I think you should put some of your men on patrol... I think... You know who is here..." I said looking around making sure that nothing lurked in the shadows.

He huffed in frustration; he slowly walked to Katie's bed, bent down and kissed her on the forehead.

'Ai, menina, o que você conseguiu se meter.' (ai girl, what did you get yourself into)Marco though, brushing of the hair on her forehead.

"Marco, she'll be fine. I can't read anything because her dreams block me from reading her mind."

"Lucas, go back and tell your men to be here within ten minutes, we'll spread and patrol all day and night if we have to," he said, ending our conversation. I just nodded and teleported myself out of the room. I decided to; quickly go around the area to see if everything looked normal.

You see, even though all supernatural creatures live in peace and harmony we still have a few rotten apples in the basket... And let's just say that Katie, well, she could be the end of the rotten apples, making everyone's lives better. However, those bad apples want her dead, so it'll be a challenge to make sure she stays alive.

I went around the block a few times, nothing really unusual. I was walking on the fields behind the houses; suddenly I stepped on something, which was neither grass nor earth. I bent down to investigate, and what I saw shocked me.

There was a rubber sling on the ground, with barbells spread around it as if someone let it fall, I took hold of the rubber sling, and the stink of human blood overwhelmed my senesces, making me want to burn the item at hand.

I sighed and let the rubber sling fall to the ground, I got up and looked around the fields.... innocent children run and play around her oblivious to the fact that, around this area where creatures they could never image....

Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें