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i dunno why, but twelve just makes me think of trees. and since i already titled a chapter tree, i figured, "WHY NOT!?"

so here you are, 

so sorry to keep you waiting so frickin' long.


Damian's Mom:

The door is unlocked and the driveway is clear of cars.

Damian must be home.  What a surprise.  I hardly see my boy go to school anymore.  To be honest, I hardly see my youngest at all.

Something's different this time, though.  The air doesn't hang still with the depression that engulfs him in a cloud where ever he goes.  I know he hasn't been taking his pills.  I'm not stupid.

In fact, I could swear I hear laughter.


Timmy and I are still laughing when there's a knock on my door.


I stop all noise almost instantly.  Thankfully, Timmy picks up on what to do.

"Come on in!" he calls to the person on the other side of the door, namely, my mother.

"Hello," she says to Timmy, and surveys the whole situation before giving him a smile.  "Are you a friend of Damian's?"

"Yes ma'am.  I'm Timmy.  I just moved here two and a half weeks ago."

"Oh, lovely!  It's a pleasure to meet you."  She shakes his outstretched hand without any hesitation.

I have to give her some credit-- she's adjusted to my sexuality and choice of friends quite nicely.

"I could have sworn I heard laughter."

"Oh yeah!" Timmy exclaims.  "Damian was trying to lick his elbow.  We were playing truth or dare."

"My Damian...well, just keep the door open, okay boys?"

"Yes ma'am.  It was nice to meet you!"

He jumps up to give her a quick hug before she can leave.

"Why...yes.  It's nice to meet you as well."

Damian's Mom:

I really hope he's the one to pull him through- Timmy.  That boy could do a lot worse than having an overly happy new boyfriend.  It wouldn't hurt for him to smile a bit more.


"She was nice," Timmy smiles at me.  "And she seemed pretty cool, knowing your whole sexual preference thing and all."

"That's because your pants were still on, darlin'.

"She won't catch us," Justin assured.  "It's the middle of the day.  She's at work until four, right?"

I nodded.  "But, what if she does?"

"Then she walks in, closes her eyes and pretends she didn't see anything.  You think your mom wants to see that?"

I laughed at the thought of her catching the two of us engaged in the most intimate of behaviors.  The farthest she'd ever seen us go was a quick kiss to say hello.

"I promise, okay?  I won't let anything bad happen."

"You swear?"

"I swear."

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