Chapter Thirty-Three

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**I'm so sorry to disappoint a lot of you but this isn't actually a new chapter. I added A LOT of new content at the beginning of the book and all the other chapters got pushed back and had to be renumbered.**

Nina's POV

I wasn't at all surprised when the girls eagerly squealed with delight that Jaxon asked us to stay on his territory. Their reaction really solidified how happy and comfortable his pack made them. They were excited about having new homes built and many of them immediately offered to help; actually, they more so demanded they helped with the construction. Earning their keep is what they said.

With that situation out of the way, I know had to find Kane and speak to him about everything that had happened. A part of me felt that he was avoiding me, which I couldn't exactly blame him for because I was kind of doing the same thing to him. I could already feel the awkwardness of the conversation we were about to him.

Hey, so we really need to talk about this whole, kidnapped, dead, then not dead after thirteen years, conspiring against me, holding me in a cell where I was basically assaulted and tortured. But thanks for saving my life in the end, that was pretty cool of you.

Yeah, not exactly the easiest conversation to have. I was dreading it actually, but if we honestly wanted to have a better relationship in the future, or really any relationship at all then we had to have that conversation. We both needed to fill each other in on what happened over the last decade.

Jaxon informed me where Kane was staying, apparently he was staying with Jason. I went to Jason's room and politely knocked on the door. My heartbeat was increasing with each second that had passed. My palms were quickly growing more clammy and with the amount of sweat I was perspiring I was thankful I decided to wear a black t-shirt today.

The sound of footsteps lightly approaching the door caused my body to become even more aware of what was about to happen. I knew Kane would be the one to answer the door because Jaxon and Jason were currently meeting with a few pack members to decide where the new houses would be built.

"Nina," Kane said with a slight surprise laced into his voice.

An awkward smile found its way to my lips. "Hey...I figured we needed to talk."

Kane cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah I guess that is something we should probably do." He opened the door so I could walk into the room.

Jason's room was a little larger compared to the other pack members but that was due to his status. His room had a kitchen which was a nice touch and made the room feel more like an apartment. I quickly scanned over the open-concept room as I made my way over to the couch. Kane took a seat in the loveseat that was diagonal from me.

Tension filled the room as neither of us knew how to start the conversation. I was waiting for him to talk. He was the one who knew the situation better than anyone else. He knew what happened when he was kidnapped and what happened between Declan and the others.

"I'm, uh, I'm not really sure where to start." He let out a nervous chuckle and scratched the back of his neck.

Men, I thought. "The kidnapping." I suggested. That would be the most logical spot to begin, wouldn't it?

"Right." He said and nodded his head. I could tell by the way his eyebrows knitted together slightly that he was thinking. A few moments passed before he finally spoke again. "Instead of telling you everything from start to finish, I think it would be easier and less monologue if I answered specific questions you have. Does that seem fair to you?"

"Yeah, I think that would be easier to listen to too." I agreed with him. I could only imagine the novel of a story he'd have to tell and I couldn't listen talk continuously about it without interjecting now and then for details.

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