Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

 Everything seemed to go in slow motion.  I could see a somewhat distraught Spencer call my name but I could also feel both my captor’s arm and blade keeping me where I was.  It almost didn’t seem real.  I also vaguely noticed that once the knife had been pulled, Spence and his two friends (who I could only assume were also FBI agents) had their guns drawn.  Think Jules, come on, THINK!  I internally yelled, forcing myself to stay calm even in the current situation.  Remembering what Spencer had said earlier today, I turned my head slightly to look up at the man who as holding me. 

“Mr. Donahue—”

“Walt!  Call me Walt!  And you all, drop your weapons!”  He pointed his knife to indicate the Spence and the two other agents.

I swallowed and began again.  “Walt, they only have their guns drawn because they think you’re going to hurt me.”

“I would never hurt you, Juliet.  I love you.”

Forcing the vomit to stay down, I smiled at Mr. Donahue.  Spence said to go along within reason.  “I know that Walt, but they don’t understand our love.”

He faltered for a moment, smiling down at me.  “You love me too?”

“Of course I do Walt.  What, did you think I treat all of my customers so kindly?  But we can’t be together unless you toss the knife to the side.  If you do that, they’ll let us be together.”

“Mean it?” He sounded like a kid who had just learned Christmas had come early.

“Would I lie to you?”  He shook his head and slid his knife over to where Spence was, never letting go of my waist, but I saw my window of opportunity.  Slamming my heel into his foot and jabbing him in the stomach with my elbow, I ripped myself free from Mr. Donahue’s grasp and sprinted to where Spencer waited for me with his arms open. 

I finally reached him and he hugged me, spinning us around so he was between Walt and I.  However, this also meant that his back was to Mr. Donahue.  Before anyone knew what was happening, Mr. Donahue pulled out a gun and fired, shooting Spencer right in the middle of the back.  He smiled as he saw Spence fall and heard my shriek as I attempted to hold him upright. 

Without hesitation, the other two agents fired two rounds each into Mr. Donahue’s chest.  Before they even checked for a pulse we all knew he was dead.  “Spencer, SPECER!” I called shaking him slightly in hopes that the shot had miraculously not killed him.

“Jules, Jules, I’m fine,” he smiled standing up straight and smiling down at me.  Though, Hotch, you could have warned me that shots still hurt like hell even with these vests on.”

“Vests?” I asked, completely lost.

“Yeah, we all have the bulletproof vests on under our clothes.  We wanted to take the precaution without causing panic,” he explained and unbuttoned his shirt a bit to show me the vest underneath.

I smacked him in the shoulder, before simultaneously smiling and crying.  “I thought you were dead!” 

“I’m not though.  Look, see, perfectly fine,” He spread his arms out and to demonstrate that he was, in fact, perfectly okay.

Laughing, I hugged him and he lifted me up, spinning me around a bit.  “You’re an idiot, you know that right?”

   “I’m offended,” he frowned mockingly and put me down.  “You’re the one who called me for help and this is the thanks I get?  This, by the way, is J.J,” he pointed to the blonde woman.  “And this,” he motioned to the still stern-looking brunette man, “is our boss, Hotch.  Guys this is Evelynn Capulet, but everyone calls her Juliet.  She’s a friend of mine who I met lecturing for some of her college courses.”

“Miss Capulet, we’re going to have to ask that you come back to headquarters with us.  We’re in the middle of another case, but we will still need to question you.”

“You’re serious?  I can go back to headquarters with you guys?!” I asked maybe a little too enthusiastically. 

“Yes?” Hotch almost asked and J.J raised an eyebrow in what I could only assume was amusement.

“I mean, sure.  That’d be no problem at all,” I corrected my behavior.  “Oh, shut up Spence,” I groaned seeing the look he was giving me.

“What?  I didn’t say anything!” he burst out laughing as he put his arm around my shoulder and led me to the black SUV they had come in.  When the local PD had arrived on scene to handle the dead man on the platform, J.J and Hotch got into the front seat and we were off.

“So Juliet,” J.J said, turning around in her seat to face me.  “Reid said you’re one of the students he lectured for.  I’m dying to know, is he as socially awkward as he usually is”

“Hey!” Reid protested but Hotch cut him off.

“Reid, you do tend to be a little awkward in front of people and you ramble on a lot when it’s a subject you know a lot about, meaning most of the time.”

I giggled at Reid with the two of them.  They had a point; he definitely seemed a little more awkward than he was when it was just us, but I felt the need to defend him.  “Spence’s lectures are actually really interesting,” I insisted.  “Actually, his lectures sparked my interest in psychology and I ended up completely changing my career goals because of it.”

“What was the change?” Hotch asked, intrigued.

“Well I had been an English major hoping to get into journalism, but now I’m an English and Psychology major with a focus in Abnormal Psychology and a minor in sociology.  I’m hoping to become a profiler.”

I could see Hotch smiling at me in the rearview mirror.  “Reid, I’m guessing this is the student you were talking with me about earlier; the one who wants a BAU internship.”  I blushed as Reid confirmed that I was, in fact, said student.  “Well I’ll see what I can do about that Juliet.  In the meantime, we’re here.”

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