35. Helicarrier Testing Room.

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7th June 2012: Helicarrier: Testing Room:
"Angel! I'm your opponent, I just have one more rule to add to the list." She raises an eyebrow "Don't aim too low." I look down at my crotch, she follows my line of sight and quickly raises her head quickly "Sure." I stretch slightly, before we nod to each other and get in our fighting stances, with the sparring sticks. We wait for the pirates command "Begin!" I let her take the first hit and block it.

She's definitely good at blocking and dodging, but she hasn't got a hit in yet.

"Come on, angel, don't hold back. I won't be mad if you hurt me, if you do, I'll buy you something." Her eyes light up, she dodges the attack I throw at her and manages to get behind me, I begin to turn and she whacks me rather hard on the rear "Ow! Where the hell did that strength come from!?" She smiles mischievously as she aims another attack at me, after about five more minutes I've been hit a few more times, but I haven't managed to get a hit on her. I aim for her ankles trying to knock her over, she effortlessly jumps over the stick and hits me on the back, I fall forward. I try to pull her down with me, but she jumps again, I roll over onto my back "Well done, angel, you got me."

I'm not giving up this easily, I just want her to think I am.

She lowers her stick and holds out her hand to help me up, instead of taking her hand I aim for her ankles, she jumps over and aims the end of the sparring stick at my chest "You done yet?" "...Yeah, I'm done." She lowers the stick again as she cautiously watches me stand up on my own, the pair of us walk to the observation room, where everyone's smiling or laughing.

I get it, she got me on the ground and I couldn't outsmart her. Grow up!

Natasha is the first to speak "You've been practicing, haven't you, Scarlet?" She nods her head as she sips some more of her water. Fury speaks next "Okay, you can have lunch, half an hour, then we'll do some more." We're dismissed. As we all walk towards the break room, Scarlet and Natasha rear off course, towards the restroom, I continue walking with the others "She's getting rather good, isn't she?" "Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing what else she can do." We all sit in the break room having our lunches and talking. Everyone's so proud of our little angel, she has improved so much since she came here.

I remember when she started working for me, barely ever spoke to anyone but me, didn't talk this much with me back then, she was a quiet girl with mad computer skills. Now she has more confidence, talks more, can throw knives, sort of shoot arrows, spar and God knows what else, it just shows that anyone can become something.

7th June 2012: Helicarrier:
After lunch we all head back to the testing room, I sit in front of the laptop, watching Scarlet's vital signs. She is told to stick by Rogers jogging round the testing room, until I tell her to stop, when her body gets too weak. To keep up with Rogers' jogging, she ends up running, she gets to run on the inside so she gets to cut corners, but she doesn't last very long "Scarlet, you can st-" I don't even get to finish telling her to stop, when she collapses, Rogers manages to catch her before she hits the ground and he props her up against a wall. I kneel down next to her, she's panting and sweating, I hand her a bottle of water. After a few minutes, she's calm. I walk over to Fury "Director, I think perhaps it would be best to leave it here today, her body can't take much more right now." "Very well, we'll continue tomorrow." He walks out of the room, everyone turns to me "What did you say?" Stark asks accusingly "We're stopping here for today, Scarlet will continue testing tomorrow, her body needs a break." "Thank you." I look over to the weak voice, Scarlet has a small smile on her face. Everyone else heads off to do whatever they do, while Stark and I walk Scarlet back to her room. We walk her in and head for the door "Scarlet, take a shower and rest, someone will come get you when dinner is ready, okay?" "Thank you Bruce." We all smile at each other before leaving her alone.

AVENGERS: The Invisible Girl.On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara